Search results

  1. P

    Pre-buy mechanic near MEM

    Hello, I hope this kind of post is acceptable. I am looking for a trustworthy mechanic to do a high quality pre-buy on a 152 around an hour away from KMEM. Any leads would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
  2. P

    Disclosing old hospital admission

    Thanks for your replies. Reassuring. I'll disclose it with a brief description similar to the suggestions. It's good to know that this will not automatically trigger some kind of bureaucratic delay or problem (I hope).
  3. P

    Disclosing old hospital admission

    Hello, How should I handle this when applying for my first (1st class) medical: - 17 or 18 years ago I went to the hospital after a stressful night (family issue) with a sensation of rapid heartbeat and generally not feeling well. I had flu like symptoms generally during those days. I was very...