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  1. B

    First Class Medical (VA Disability)

    I will most definitely be completely transparent with the FAA and the AME and disclose all my VA medical records. I have read about pilots in the past who got into major trouble
  2. B

    First Class Medical (VA Disability)

    I have forgot to mention that I am not seeking any treatment through the VA for my disability rating and currently am not taking any medications, I have just recently received this rating as of 1 September 2021
  3. B

    First Class Medical (VA Disability)

    Good Morning, I am reaching out today to ask some questions on what I can do to obtain a first class medical. I have recently got out of the Air Force after doing 4 years as a fire fighter. I am currently 23 years old and have received a 80% disability rating with PTSD and a side diagnosis of...