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  1. J

    Piper Saratoga Turbo Lycoming TIO-540-SIAD excessive fuel burn

    I can only assume so. all new panel
  2. J

    Piper Saratoga Turbo Lycoming TIO-540-SIAD excessive fuel burn

    Also it is summer here and 86-90 out. on take off I never achieve 100% power. usually only 94-96 percent. When I first started flying the plane I use to overboost and have to pull back a bit to maintain 100%. Is that typical of a hot day or do I need to have that adjusted ?
  3. J

    Piper Saratoga Turbo Lycoming TIO-540-SIAD excessive fuel burn

    Thanks for the reply, I replaced all of them. New motor with 120 hours so far.
  4. J

    Piper Saratoga Turbo Lycoming TIO-540-SIAD excessive fuel burn

    I was taught by my instructor to lean TIT to 1550. the CHT never get hotter than 375. I don't mind using more fuel to be gentle on the engine. but 5 GPH seems excessive.
  5. J

    Piper Saratoga Turbo Lycoming TIO-540-SIAD excessive fuel burn

    Hi, I own a 1980 Saratoga Turbo that burns 21 GPH at 65% power book says 16. Have had my local mechanic look at everything and they cant find a reason why. Anyone know a great mechanic that specializes in this motor that can help me out. Im in Ohio Thanks in advance !!