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  1. Blue2836

    Best performing Android tablet for Garmin Pilot

    Well, I have a Samsung Tab S3 that's only a few months old that I purchased because my Galaxy Tab 3 wasn't cutting it. It's not cheap. It's currently priced around $500 brand new. I cleaned it up completely of any bloatware. And when I'm zooming in and out on a VFR map in Garmin Pilot there is a...
  2. Blue2836

    Best performing Android tablet for Garmin Pilot

    Thanks all for the helpful replies. I think there is something about the Garmin programming that is not efficient in the Android version. Other apps run just fine. But the Garmin Pilot software even on reasonably fast Android tablets runs at an unacceptable speed. Honestly, I hate anything Apple...
  3. Blue2836

    Best performing Android tablet for Garmin Pilot

    Nope. I uninstalled apps I'm not using. And I use the tablet only for Garmin Pilot. I do believe others have complained about a firmware update to the Tab S3 causing lag. So I'm just looking to see if anyone else is running Garmin Pilot on a different tablet smoothly and with no lag.
  4. Blue2836

    Best performing Android tablet for Garmin Pilot

    I know this has been asked in different forms, but after sifting through all of the threads I didn't find the specific answer I'm looking for. I currently have a Samsung Galaxy Tab S3. I find the map zooming and panning around in Garmin Pilot to be annoyingly sluggish. There's an obvious delay...