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  1. B

    To CSIP or not to CSIP?

    Looks like this is older post but I will try attempt resusrect it. Looks like Cirrus now want lot more than $4000-$5000 for the cert - I am hearing $8000-$10,000 all in as you have travel cost and hotel-meals to go to Cirrus training...
  2. B

    Engine out at KLZU

    Charles - I can't imagine how much it sucked. I have had rough engines, cracked injectors, and landing gear that would not extend but have never experienced a complete loss of power. I am surprised there are not required safety wires for the bolts that hold the carburetor on. They are...
  3. B

    Engine out at KLZU

    Charles - Excellent airmanship to make those decisions in the midst of an emergency! I was thinking that the reduction in MP caused the vacuum of the engine to suck the carburetor back up against the engine and thus you had some power at 1500 RPM. Just a thought after looking at the pictures...