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  1. Jenny Law

    North route to cross the Rockies

    I’m for sure going to take mountain flying course before I take on the adventures. I’ve done seaplane and mountain flying training in Alaska last year. Still hoping to learn as much as I can!
  2. Jenny Law

    North route to cross the Rockies

    Thank you so much for your welcoming message! It’s nice to have a platform for pilots to share. I’m thinkinh of a further north route, but I don’t have much input yet, I-80 was the other route I found. I’m excited for the adventures ahead!
  3. Jenny Law

    North route to cross the Rockies

    Thank you! I used I-80 as the reference because I couldn’t find many resources. I’m thinking of further North to Portland or Seattle! I don’t have a destinated route or place I’ve to be, so I’m very open to suggestions!
  4. Jenny Law

    North route to cross the Rockies

    Hi everybody, I am an instrument rated pilot. This summer, I am planning on flying across the U.S., in a Cessna150 with 150hp. I will be alone on board along with some light equipments, so the airplane will be lightly loaded. I am definitely aware of the weights, airplane performance, density...