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  1. K

    Impact of SOCAL "Effective Immediately" Presidental TFR 1/7/25?

    I'm guessing it wasn't much of an issue because very few planes were up due to the high winds. Pure luck.
  2. K

    Impact of SOCAL "Effective Immediately" Presidental TFR 1/7/25?

    Anyone caught by this? What was the impact and how did ATC handle it? The TFR was originally scheduled to start at 1559 PST (FDC 5/0429). At 1205 PST, FDC 5/1142 was issued "Effective Immediately" moving up the start time by almost 4 hours.
  3. K

    Airport commandeered for airline-use only - today, KAUS

    I don't see any restriction to Pt. 91 ops. The only notam I found applies to non-scheduled air carriers.
  4. K

    Published Approach to a closed runway

    ARR is working to decommission Rwy 18/36. Until the process is complete, it is still, technically, a runway.
  5. K

    U.S. Pilot, Canadian Airplane

    Patr 61.3 (b) Required pilot certificate for operating a foreign-registered aircraft within the United States. No person may serve as a required pilot flight crewmember of a civil aircraft of foreign registry within the United States, unless— (1) That person's pilot certificate or document...
  6. K

    Fouga Magister down in French air show

    Ejecting may not have been an option since Fouga Magisters did not come with ejection seats as standard equipment.
  7. K

    Fouga Magister down in French air show

    GLOC or controls jammed.
  8. K

    An Afternoon in Seattle

    Museum of Flight. The Boeing factory tour is in Everett (KPAE), which is 25+ miles north of downtown Seattle.
  9. K

    What is this?

    It's ugly.
  10. K

    Sovereign Citizen nearly causes midair

    He is going to prison. The only question is the length of his stay.
  11. K

    Someone busting Milwaukee TFR...

    The problem is that the the TFR for the RNC was not published in the Oshkosh notam. The circles around Milwaukee in the OSH notam is the MKE Class C.
  12. K

    Taxiway marking obstruction clearance expectations?

    Taxiway markings dont have anything to do with whether it intersects a runway or isn't for transient use (( exception being enhanced centerline markings). The subject taxiway may technically be a taxilane--no real difference other than the lateral obstruction clearance requirements. Same...
  13. K

    Urgent go-around instruction worthy of Brasher?

    There isn't a waiver for it because 91.117d says "If the minimum safe airspeed for any particular operation is greater than the maximum speed prescribed in this section, the aircraft may be operated at that minimum speed."
  14. K

    Class D trip yesterday

    Attached are some events that MORs were filed on that I found in the Runway Safety database in ASIAS.
  15. K

    Class D trip yesterday

    They are frequently issued for just that.
  16. K

    Class D trip yesterday

    If they did clear you to land, the you technically took off without a clearance. And, technically, the controller should have given you a 'Brasher' warning (possible pilot deviation) and filed a mandatory occurrence report. As some mentioned, if a controller clears you to land and you want a...
  17. K

    Logging King Air Time

    I can't find it. I must have been mistaken. An increased max weight makes sense given the 250ep had one and the Beechcraft site shows a substantially greater range for the 260ep. It seems strange that they include the range, but nothing else about the ep.
  18. K

    Logging King Air Time

    Beech's website says the king Air 260EP's max takeoff weight as 12,500 lbs.
  19. K

    United Flight Unexpected Diversion to Canada

    If you think that's bad, a British Airways flight from London to Houston was over Canada when it turned around went back to London.
  20. K

    Seaplane collides with small boat in Vancouver

    News story with tower audio.