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  1. dbonnar

    Finding Airports that sell 91 Octane Mogas?

    I’d switch my Rotax to anything 92-100 without ethanol, but not sure I’ll find in Calif.
  2. dbonnar

    Proper URL for getting the GAIRS report for your ADS-B rebate

    YES! YES! YES! YES! I scoured the FAA sites searching for 'GAIRS' info, however because their em to me only had one report (the public) I expected there was some 2nd secret way I was supposed to request the GAIRS! I am so grateful you wrote here and the process worked. Check is in the...
  3. dbonnar

    ADS-B out. Transponder and installation for $2,435. Why I pulled the trigger now instead of waiting.

    That sounds right - updating GTX330 to add ES will leverage what the 430W is already doing right? i.e. Is 430W already providing position source?
  4. dbonnar

    ADS-B out. Transponder and installation for $2,435. Why I pulled the trigger now instead of waiting.

    Sorry - I wasn't clear about that. I want to use the 328 as a temp solution while my 330 is off to Garmin for upgrade. Thanks for responding! Dave
  5. dbonnar

    ADS-B out. Transponder and installation for $2,435. Why I pulled the trigger now instead of waiting.

    I'm hoping to get my local Garmin Dealer shop to send my GTX330 in for update to ES (extended Squitter). I have a GNS430W however don't want to integrate. Question: I have a GTX328 available. Does anyone know if they are swap compatible? Like the earlier questions, tray size, pin & plug...