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  1. J

    Flying around central Mexico

    Thanks for sharing! Very cool write up and great pictures.
  2. J

    regional approach VS regional departure VS Center?

    This is a great question, which already has some great answers. It was confusing to me at first too, and I fly in a very busy Tracon area. One thing that vexed me, and which you are sure to encounter, is that “approach” and “departure” are named for your phase in flight, not necessarily the...
  3. J

    Why is the Lancair IV-P so dangerous?

    I think Cirrus has gotten its read in the market right. Evidence is that ergonomics matter, and their plane has the right formula for today’s consumer. The right plane for OPs mission, one that does everything he wants to, is the Vision Jet. There’s the issue with money, but that’s always an...
  4. J

    Flew A Cirrus today. Long

    What was it they said in Japan about Zima? Estrogen in a bottle. LOL. What exactly are you implying?
  5. J

    Flew A Cirrus today. Long

    Oh, and before I get flamed, I know -and am deeply bugged- by the heading bug not being sync’d. (Pardon the pun.)
  6. J

    Flew A Cirrus today. Long

    I should be there now. Thanks! Sweet tailwinds that day :) This is pretty typical performance. It was ISA+7 that day. 3 people with bags on board. I am very happy with the plane’s performance, especially considering this is economy cruise and the engine is nice and cool.
  7. J

    Tinted Plexiglass

    How much of the UV radiation we are exposed to in the 10k foot level, say, does tinting block? Anyone know?
  8. J

    C172 from Los Angeles to Monterey KMRY - Any advice?

    Agree with jimhorner and the general advice here. Especially this time if year with the marine layer, you probably won’t see much of Big Sur and the coastline. There are no alternates and very few spots to out her down in an emergency. I’d go the 101 route via SAn Luis Obispo, Paso Robles, King...
  9. J

    Flew A Cirrus today. Long

    I want to post a video showing the performance, but alas, I need to have completed 5 posts. 2 to go. Let me find someplace(s)/to add thoughtful comments on.
  10. J

    Flew A Cirrus today. Long

    FWIW - flying under ~10,000ft, the SR22NA is a better performer, imho, than the T. I typically see about 175 KTAS, around 14gph flying at 9,000 LOP. As to the seating position, I am 6’ and have plenty of headroom. I remember I used to pull the seat farther forward than I do now. The pedals...
  11. J

    How far do you lean while on the ground before takeoff

    In my Cirrus NA I lean aggressively on the ground, per Deakin’s philosophy. That seems to be the consensus of what’s best here too. After startup I turn off the aux boost pump and lean back until it sputters, then enriche slightly to get it running smoothly again. During my take off flow check...