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  1. T

    Turn off the radios

    I think it was Friendly Skies Film on YouTube once shared a quote he learned somewhere... "The checklist on my knee: Mixture, master, key." But don't forget the electrical equipment switch!! ;)
  2. T

    Turn off the radios

    I'm not sure why anyone would risk frying their electronics. It's not that hard to flip one more switch. Many people, including myself have always shut off the car radio before the engine. I was just always taught to do that. It just seems to me that it could put more strain on an electric...
  3. T

    FAA vs YouTube Commercial Pilot channel(s)...

    My friend and I just got to meet him and Flight Chops at Oshkosh at the Bose tent that Friday. That same afternoon is when he first posted on FaceBook about the FAA coming after him. Talk about a buzz kill at such an awesome fly in! He was probably bombarded with questions the next day at his...