Hello All,
Am am writing to request you help with a survey regarding how we use GA for personal transportation. This is for research and no personal information will be asked or retained. At the end you will be able to see the results if you desire.
the link is...
Hi 6PC, We would like to see how folks use their aircraft for personal transportation and see if we can identify what designs or technologies could improve usage. Ultimately the results could
influence research for new areas affecting GA. I stuck this in the Experimental section because there...
Hi, I'm conducting a survey about the use of GA aircraft for personal transportation. I want to be
sure that experimental aircraft get included so I am posting the link to the survey here in "Home Builders and Sport Pilots"
I would like to post a short survey about GA and how we use our aircraft. How recent technologies and services have effected our decisions. What are our operating costs. No personal information is sought. Please let me know if you are willing to help out.
Thanks in advance for your help...
Here in the Nor'East flying beats everything else when going to Block Island, Nantucket or the Vineyard, all of which involve a big ordeal. Drive to ferry, park car, pay for parking, 1-2 hr ferry ride, etc, etc.
When practicing instrument approaches in my R182 I cycle the gear at FAF. If I'm going to stay in the pattern I do not.
I see no reason the cycle the hydraulic pump so frequently.