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  1. R

    Special Issuance problemo...need advice

    I read that if a medical condition has been resolved for at least five years without any symptomatic episodes and no significant medical changes, it is likely that you'll get a standard 3rd. *fingers crossed*
  2. R

    Special Issuance problemo...need advice

    That's certainly a good idea. I plan to fly recreationally while accruing hours, though eventually want to transition to a 2nd class. I am sincerely hoping that when the AMCD physician on-staff reviews my file, s/he will decide to grant me a standard 3rd. If this is not the case, I will follow...
  3. R

    Special Issuance problemo...need advice

    I'll try contacting Congress again just to see if it works a second time and if the timing was merely correlational, or if it was causal. I will report back on what I find. I would hope the FAA would prioritize renewals over initial deferrals, as the people who are requesting renewals are...
  4. R

    Special Issuance problemo...need advice

    Hey all, I have nowhere else to turn, and you all have proven to be a great source of information and advice. I am a private pilot w/instrument rating who has been flying since Summer 2016. I absolutely love it. I had to fight through red tape and nonsense to get my 3rd class medical. It took me...
  5. R

    Puerto Rico - DR

    Nothing can be worse than the MIA controllers in terms of understanding them... should be a great flight!
  6. R

    "Texas Aircraft Expo", Austin, TX, 6/8-6/9

    Looks like a great time! Jealous I can't go :(.
  7. R

    Whats the magic spell to get a room at OSH Hilton?

    Abracadabra? No, I kid. In all seriousness, camping at an adjacent farm is far more fun than a hotel!
  8. R

    My Final Oshkosh

    Definitely don't swear off AV because you sold your plane! It's a great time even for a plebiscite like me who can't afford one!
  9. R

    First time at Air Venture - Coming from Florida

    I would highly recommend camping, even if you're not a big camper! That is how you receive an authentic experience! Definitely important to wear sunscreen! I learned that lesson the hard way last year when I had blistering sunburns. It was overcast the whole time and the sun still got me good!