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  1. B

    Garmin vs. Foreflight

    Hi All! So with my Cessna Kit I received Garmin Pilot free for one year and I'm just getting into cross countries and wanted to run either Garmin Pilot or Foreflight side by side so I'm learning both the paper way and electronic but clearly focusing on paper. A few questions. It appears...
  2. B


    Thanks all. Have my Phase 5 check next Thursday so if all goes we'll I'll be soloing in the next week or so. Excited and nervous for it at the same time. We should be getting up today hoping to EMT, POC and CNO and I'm going to take my 9 year old with me as he's been wanting to go so bad and...
  3. B


    Hi All, I thought I'd introduce myself to the group. I just started (well about two months ago) getting my Private and have about 9 hours out of KFUL. Unfortunately, between an accident (That thankfully everyone walked away from) that took out three of my flight school aircraft and booking...