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  1. Skymac

    Which Engine Oil Analysis?

    Blackstone for the win but my gosh are they S L O W !
  2. Skymac

    Is it me or Cessna 182s just went up by $30-50K in the last 1-2 months?

    I don’t think the sell price is actually hitting where the asking price is. I could be wrong but it’s not what I’ve been seeing the last 4 months or so.
  3. Skymac


    I like Aero Touchups
  4. Skymac

    Upcoming trip, Western US - Where should I go!

    TEX isn’t even on our radar for operational concerns. Wish we were flying around a turbine but that’s not in the budget! Ha
  5. Skymac

    BasicMed expansion?

    “FAA to employ the 3rd Class Medical exam form a state-licensed physician uses in completing a comprehensive BasicMed examination.” What does this verbiage mean exactly? I seen it on an AOPA article and Flying magazine.
  6. Skymac

    Upcoming trip, Western US - Where should I go!

    Thanks for those ideas on locations. Some of the airports fall out of our capability for getting in and out with excess margins for our weight but otherwise experience won’t be an issue, nor will having an attitude of having to make any particular destination.
  7. Skymac

    Upcoming trip, Western US - Where should I go!

    So taking a trip next week from Kentucky to the “western frontier”. Taking a trusty Navajo, so no pressurization. Route planning will be a little more critical but strictly a VFR trip. If we don’t have the weather to make a true 10 mile visibility with ceilings giving us at minimum of...
  8. Skymac

    PA-31-350 Cylinder Temps

    Just curious for those out there most experienced with Navajo operations. I’ve already heard they tend to run hotter. After all it’s a big ol’ plane those 540’s are carrying around. What should I treat as a reasonable red line for treating the engines well in a climb? I’m one who likes to keep...
  9. Skymac

    GPS approach downgrade

    I had an approach today act goofy too. LPV never downgraded but glide slope never popped up on the G600, tried reactivating the approach a couple of times but no joy. Loaded the visual approach and boom, glide slope popped up.
  10. Skymac

    Spark plug anti seize question.

    I haven’t used any for years? Works just fine for 1000’s of hours.
  11. Skymac

    Do you think a bachelors degree will ever become necessary again to become a pilot at the airlines?

    I don’t believe degree requirements will come back. Obviously in certain situations a degree holder may beat you out of a job but as each day passes, it’s proven that just having a degree isn't worth too much. What is more important, is subject area knowledge, and how you present yourself.
  12. Skymac

    M 350

    It’s a 3 adult airplane.
  13. Skymac

    Cold Start Issues, Loss of EGT

    SB650, it’s happened to my 580 a couple of times now. With the exact symptoms you complain of. This is the intake pipe flange cracking or breaking off. Many times it can be faint so unless there is engine vibration, it seals.
  14. Skymac

    Plane crash on FL freeway

    Let’s also be honest, how many jets operating right now in the skies probably have an ounce of water or 2 floating around in one of the tanks? I have a type myself and how many times have you seen a crew sump the fuel in their plane? I can count how many times I have on one hand in 18 years...
  15. Skymac

    Concerns about flying while using an SSRI.

    Slightly off topic, In curiosity, I didn’t think the FAA pulled anything more than what you can get with a drivers license. Like a DUI, or controlled substance which a SSRI is not. I understand if they are tipped off, they can investigate a person, but otherwise it would never flag if not self...
  16. Skymac

    Concerns about flying while using an SSRI.

    I read it as he did stop flying. Either way, very bluntly - The issue of checkrides/certificate issuance is never going to come up or be an issue, ever.
  17. Skymac

    This flying seems awfully expensive...

    I just tell anyone looking at owning an airplane, if you can’t afford to automatically write off 10k a year like it never existed for starters then you might be in the right position to own a plane.
  18. Skymac

    Flight schools best rates

    You can not maintain a 172 for $135 wet and maintain it correctly in a rental environment.
  19. Skymac

    Aerial views

    Fly through there once every couple of weeks on a natural gas line. Beautiful views year round.
  20. Skymac

    Aerial views

    Unicoi, TN Unaka Mountain Obscuration 12/11/23