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  1. pilot_joe

    Where are my pilot reports?!

    Well that's a shame with PIREPs dying so easily. Like honestly, would it be that hard to develop some method for ATC to directly submit pireps via some king of website. Make it intuitive and efficient enough that any controller can enter one in a few seconds. But, I've noticed that the FAA...
  2. pilot_joe

    Where are my pilot reports?!

    My brain is on 'weekend-mode' so I might be a little slower than usual, but I'm pretty sure this thing says FSS no longer takes PIREPs: So you give them to center, or approach (whoever is less busy), as per that FAA...
  3. pilot_joe

    Where are my pilot reports?!

    Its a shame. I had a couple of friends that had to weather their activities because they didn't know the tops of a cloud deck at 1200'... Something that I told ATC about.
  4. pilot_joe

    Where are my pilot reports?!

    So, I've gotten into the habit of giving a PIREP any time I fly to the local practice area. It really helps out the other instructors, especially when the conditions are iffy. Anyway, yesterday was an especially cloudy day. A lot of our instructors didn't know where exactly to do their airwork...
  5. pilot_joe

    Initial instrument training in IMC?

    I appreciate all the advise. I really do. He has approx 6 to 8 hours sim time, so I wouldn't expect him to have that much difficulty controlling the airplane. I do understand that being in the clouds is a completely different beast when compared to flying with a hood or doing it in a sim. So I...
  6. pilot_joe

    Initial instrument training in IMC?

    Agreed. So I got the whole block altitude thing down, but what about the turning part? Would there be a way of getting a 'block' of airspace to practice turns and so on? I'd imagine if you ask for X block Y altitude, ATC would still want you to fly the route they cleared you to.
  7. pilot_joe

    Initial instrument training in IMC?

    Here's a question for the CFIIs. Let's say you have a new Instrument student. He's psyched for his first airplane lesson after doing a couple of lessons in the sims. Problem is, it's solid IFR outside. We could get an IFR clearance, but what would be the best way to get the IFR clearance and...
  8. pilot_joe

    Gliders and IFR clearance

    I can just imagine... "Glider 123 Romeo Alpha, Hold North OMN VOR, 360 radial, EFC 1200 Zulu" But seriously, I never expected gliders and IMC to mix. I'm guessing it would only apply to motorized ones like denverpilot was saying.
  9. pilot_joe

    Landing without elevator?

    Never happened to me. (Knock on wood) But I would assume your best bet would be to find out what power setting/ flap configuration would give you a 100-200 fpm descent. Then shooting a long stable final in that configuration until getting on the ground. Probably a hard landing. But at least...
  10. pilot_joe

    Pressured to fly

    Yeah, pressure, especially from someone who's close to you (and you respect) is a hell of a thing. Props (no pun intended) to you for recognizing that it wasn't the best situation. Just remember hindsight is 20/20. Take it as a lesson learned. Thanks for sharing.
  11. pilot_joe

    Should I fire my CFII?

    The problem with this is that you're encouraging this type of behavior. What would I do? Sit down with the guy, tell him your concerns. If he's anything near a decent CFII he will hear you out and place great weight in your concerns. Hell, you're the customer. He should accommodate to your...
  12. pilot_joe

    Airplane attitude when landing

    What pitch attitude at 100 AGL? The same you used once you established your final approach speed, under most situations. If you check out the Airplane Flying Handbook, it's page 8-5... But the main gist of it is you'll start reducing power and increasing pitch when you're 20ish feet from the...
  13. pilot_joe

    How to get into warbirds?

    Haha. That United guy had the same idea. You guys related by any chance?
  14. pilot_joe

    How to get into warbirds?

    Pull the canopy back? Well hell, guys. Keep going, I'm taking notes! Haven't even thought about the CAF, I guess I'll check them out.
  15. pilot_joe

    How to get into warbirds?

    I love flying 172s as much as the next guy, but I gotta admit my heart is in warbirds. I've heard of a few that do the whole volunteer flying warbirds on their time off from the airlines. But would there be any way of doing that full time? Ideally that would be my ultimate long-term goal. I...
  16. pilot_joe

    Best ways to assign homework?

    I appreciate the info guys! Gives me a lot to think about. I guess there's only so much you can do as an instructor, motivation-wise. At least I know I'm doing my part by always doing a thorough pre/post-brief and always telling the guy how to prepare for the next lesson. Him actually doing...
  17. pilot_joe

    Best ways to assign homework?

    Well, most of them are pretty sharp... and broke! So they'll be pretty self-driven. But every now and again, you got the one guy who just wants everything spoonfed. Even if it costs an arm and a leg.
  18. pilot_joe

    Best ways to assign homework?

    Not everybody is the ultra-driven, self-motivated student that studies their a** off when they're not in the airport. That I figured out pretty quickly. But the sad reality is that a good deal of learning and insights happen outside the airplane, mostly while the student is either chairflying...
  19. pilot_joe

    Where to fly in Florida?

    Coming back from a long cross-country I like to stop at Flagler Airport (KFIN). It's like 10 miles from Daytona, but the restaurant (Hijacker's or something along those lines) makes the short stop worth it.
  20. pilot_joe

    What are some red-flags on maintenance logs?

    I freelance flight instruct at more places and flight schools than I would like. It pays the bills, I'm not complaining. But dealing with so many maintenance shops, I've ran into my fair share of shady sh*t. For one, there's a particular guy who I like to work for. He's alright, and his...