Search results

  1. G

    Need PPL Finish-Up (North Texas)

    Most excellent advice, folks. I truly appreciate it. And Big Bad Lou, your offer is very generous, too (sounds like a lot of fun, too)! I've given it a lot of thought....what I need to do first and foremost, is keep watching Martha (for those of you who have the King videos), keep studying...
  2. G

    Need PPL Finish-Up (North Texas)

    Would ideally like to find someone that could meet me at KGKY. And of course, if they had drive time ahead of them, I'd gladly compensate for that as well. I'm obviously not wanting to rent a plane to train in, when mine is just sitting here at Arlington. But if I had to, I surely would...
  3. G

    Need PPL Finish-Up (North Texas)

    Thanks for the comments and suggestions, thus far. Yes, I have checked local flight schools and those CFI's are all just as booked as my two buddies that I mentioned earlier. While Addison isn't too far by air, it's probably too far for a CFI to sign me off on for solo, to go pick him/her up @...
  4. G

    Need PPL Finish-Up (North Texas)

    Greetings, from KGKY (Arlington, TX). I am in need of someone to help me complete my Private, and figured I'd ask on this forum. This is my first post. Here are some of my unique particulars: * Have a great CFI who I have been training with! However, he works at a flight school that has become...