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    PA28R-180 Piper Arrow Panel Upgrade Talk

    See if you can get your installer to wire the GTR205 as a GNC215. Outside of the antenna connection, it should only be a couple of extra wires. If someone in the future decides to upgrade then it will mostly be a slide-in affair.
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    Unused Engines

    Perhaps wireless electrical systems will be the wave of the future
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    A REAL 6 seater

    Back to the topic at hand... Can a Bearhawk do it?
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    Unused Engines

    The advantage there is that automobiles don't burn leaded fuel (can use synthetic oil), don't have open crankcase ventilation and their fuel systems have vapor recovery. There's probably several other things I'm overlooking that factor into an engine designed some time after the stone ages.
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    A REAL 6 seater

    Funny you should mention that. My first ever GA flight was when I was in middle school with a friend's family of 5 where the dad owned a T210. It was ~1600nm each way. I've gone 4 in a 4 but not 6 in a 6.
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    A REAL 6 seater

    What if your hobby is airplane camping at dirt strips that don't have a fuelling station?
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    [NA] Solar power system cold calls all of a sudden?

    I don't even answer calls from numbers I do recognize. :)
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    [NA] Solar power system cold calls all of a sudden?

    It might not be a scam, per se. The solar industry has been taking a hit recently, so they may be getting desperate. On the other hand, they could very well be scams.
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    I find this extraordinary: the CEO is also the test pilot

    As opposed to say or
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    I find this extraordinary: the CEO is also the test pilot

    The movie The Aviator (Howard Hughes) comes to mind.
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    Pa32 lands in pits at Pomona dragstrip

    Well it went In without injuring anyone on the ground. 'N everyone got Out with their lives.
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    NA - Need house smoke detectors

    Water + lithium + corrosive agents... mmm-kay... Next time, you might want to try this instead:
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    Garmin G3X RS232 Question

    Me too, hence the question. The GNX is already connected to the G3x via 2xRS232 + 2xARINC429 and the G3x is connected to the G5, so not sure what else is to be gained.
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    Garmin G3X RS232 Question

    If everything works great, then what is it you're trying to accomplish? What additional capability do you expect to get by connecting the GNX directly to the G5?
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    NA - Need house smoke detectors

    Does wireless (e.g. Zigbee) count?
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    GFC-500 is a GPS only Autopilot

    Also, I think "GPS Only" is a misnomer. "GPS Aided" or "GPS Reliant" is more apt. The GFC500 uses GPS position as a reference, not GPS DTK. For example, if a brand new VOR or LOC popped up but the GPS database hadn't been updated yet, I believe the GFC500 could still track it. That plus...
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    GFC-500 is a GPS only Autopilot

    As I recall, it would have to be a widespread GPS outage. The G5 has an internal GPS that if configured correctly can be used as the necessary cross reference, if I'm not misremembering things.
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    Canceling FlightAware Aviator option.

    That a corporation would want to hang on to an income stream? ;)
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    PA28R-180 Piper Arrow Panel Upgrade Talk

    Yes and no. The G5 does have 1.8% more area but the the GI275 is taller from top to bottom.The difference is difficult to discern from the naked eye.
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    Another unleaded 100LL replacement approved (Swift 100R)

    Comments in the linked article say they're paying around $10/gallon.