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  1. P

    Cessna 182, vs 206

    I just want to say I wasn't ready for this to be a comparison! I would have had less fuel that day haha. Also, now the a I have a SPORTSMAN STOL cuff I bet it would be a closer competition! -Cessna 205 owner
  2. P

    How to almost die in the mountains

    Typo! Look up the ADSB track. It was the same spot on the same day. This is NOT a photo shop job. This guy got lucky as hell. I think the bright light must have been a light reflection of the white snow on the mountain.
  3. P

    4th of July near miss N65440
  4. P

    How to almost die in the mountains Is this allowed?
  5. P

    How to almost die in the mountains

    Google N65440 on 4th of July..... not fake!
  6. P

    Soft field operations

    Who wishes that on another pilot? That's just sad...
  7. P

    Car fails to signal, almost hits plane.

    That was pretty crazy. Amazing some of the things caught on dash cam. Glad they only had minor injuries.
  8. P

    Dallas area pilots - Check your planes

    wow! Tornado's have been doing some work this year :(
  9. P

    How high have you flown non pressurized plane

    18,500 (Block 17-19) in N.A. M20C
  10. P

    In-Flight Loss of No. 3 Cylinder; Need overhaul recs

    Good job staying calm and doing it right! I may have forgotten the gear hahaha! :D
  11. P

    Wow, talk about a steaming pile of crap.

    ya the new skyvector sucks monkey butt. I won't be using it much anymore. The old way it showed your leg distances/times was great. The new thing is a totally different page and it just sucks.