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  1. E

    Work is suffering because of POA

    SOLD. I heard Clearwater is nice. Jax is incredibly boring unless you're into aviation. Kidding, but it sounds like you got an awesome gig.
  2. E

    Work is suffering because of POA

    Sounds like the manager I need... Would you possibly have a sys ad opening? haha
  3. E

    Good Value Planes?

    Mechanic, Flight Instructor, and Pilot? That would be quite the experience. You're not kidding about college flight programs either. Our college contracts a school for our flight training, so you'd think it'd be a little cheaper, but no. It's still costs your arm, leg, and first-born son.
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    Good Value Planes?

    Not at all (on the party pooper comment), and actually aviation has always been my idea of an awesome fallback career, or possibly my main motivation. I've always liked hearing other peoples opinions because they can make a world of difference and help me make better choices. Also, totally...
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    Good Value Planes?

    I could save more and buy outright, if I wasnt spending $1200/mo renting. (time building is a killer) I just figure that it may be more cost efficient down the road, and it'd be nice to have a tangible asset as well. I only have $2000 cash, but after selling off some rec vehicles I don't use the...
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    Good Value Planes?

    Yeah, maybe if the guy likes me enough, or if he's not in a rush for cash I could work out an rto deal. If he wants cash in hand asap, there's always more fish in the sea.
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    Taking bent prop pics? - Here's why!

    I'm surprised how sharp that was for 1/60, it's a good shot. My Cannon 7D can get up to 1/8000. I would love to see how that looks.
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    Good Value Planes?

    Bart, Jim, TUpilot, Henning, and John. Thanks a lot for the advice. You definitely gave me a lot to think about. I was planing on a 1/3 down payment and financing the rest, but I think maybe I should pocket a wee bit more if maintenance may be an issue later down the road. The thought of owning...
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    Good Value Planes?

    Hey Gene, I really appreciate it. I talked to the owner as well and he definitely sounds like he knows what he's doing and took good care of it. I might take a look inside this weekend. Thanks Gene.
  10. E

    Having Kids as Friends...

    It's sort of sad when my mom isn't willing to learn about smartphones. She's only 50 and has her heart set on using her pink moto razr until the day it dies... Sidenote, remember when phones weren't smart and they had a battery life of like two weeks? those were the days...
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    Good Value Planes?

    That's good to hear. Speed and payload aren't too big of a concern for me seeing as most the cargo will be the woman and the dog. Plus it probably beats rental rates for time building... I'm paying $1200 monthly and all I have to show for it is some Ink in my logbook...
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    Good Value Planes?

    That wouldn't be a bad idea. I think I'll try to get in touch with him this weekend. Maybe go take a look if he's up for it.
  13. E

    Good Value Planes?

    I would really appreciate that. I think the biggest thing that caught me was the fact that it seems to be the only single for sale within driving distance. Not to mention I always like the way low wings looked. I'd love to hear about it if you get into contact with him, that'd make my week for...
  14. E

    Good Value Planes?

    Hey everyone, I'm ambrose and Im student pilot. (Going to solo in about a week if the weather clears.) Enough about me though, I want to know more about planes. Smaller, and cheaper ones in particular. Not ultralights, but something like a piper cherokee. I actually found one for sale down...