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  1. R

    New pilot ground school question

    I'm going to try the online and book reading options first before I give the live ground school a go. I went all through high school online with lots of book reading and web learning. Just knowing the proper documents and web sites to use will be very helpful.
  2. R

    New pilot ground school question

    Thanks very much for all of your responses. My instructor says he thinks I am pretty well ready for my XCs, but there is so much to know, I just want to be sure for myself. I'll be looking at several of those sites and documents right now. Thanks again.
  3. R

    New pilot ground school question

    Hello, I am working towards my PPL, and I have a question about ground schools. I have been taking lessons from a private instructor at my local airport 29D and then KFKL, and he has been excellent. Unfortunately, I am left to my own devices for my ground training. I have 38 hours and my first...
  4. R

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    I'm pursuing my PPL. I've got about 38 hours, with my first solo under my belt. Now I just have to do my night XC with my instructor, and my solo XCs, and by that time should have the required 50 hours and be ready for my check ride. Hopefully all goes well.