Search results

  1. chrisbre

    Documentation needed for ferry tank 337?

    Bell206 is right, getting documentation from an DER is the difficult (and expensive) part. But ferry tank installations are documented with the FAA database for each single aircraft. You can browse the database and try to find an airplane with a ferry tank already installed. Usually the FAA...
  2. chrisbre

    GoPro Wingtip Mounting

    I use the flat adhesive mount on my Arrow. Be sure to clean the surface and heat the pad a little bit with a hot air gun before installation. Find a spot near a rib to avoid vibrations. I did my first flights with the waterproofed case only to make sure it will not come off. It never did ;-)...
  3. chrisbre

    Garmin GMA340 pannel question

    Did you check the COM 1/2-button? It is a "split com" button which assigns COM 1 to the pilot and COM2 to the copilot. As long as you do not have a COM2 installed or powered up, it will do exactly as described.
  4. chrisbre

    recommend ifr gps for the following eq...

    You can use both indicators with a GNS430. If you go with a KLN 89/94, you in fact need to replace the KI209 indicator with a KI209A. Cheapest option would be to keep both the KI209 and KI202 indicators and connect the KLN89/94 to the KI202. You than lack the advisory vertical guidance as well...
  5. chrisbre

    Altimeter malefunction. What's wrong?

    That wasn't too hard... Set altimeter according to ATIS, landed at my home airport and checked indication for field elevation after landing.
  6. chrisbre

    Altimeter malefunction. What's wrong?

    No reason to worry. Sure I'm aware of the regs. Of course I have an A&P installed a new indicator last week. Got a fresh pitot static check as well. The new one works perfectly, so water in the static system obviously is not a factor. I will let the shop overhaul the broken indicator and keep it...
  7. chrisbre

    Altimeter malefunction. What's wrong?

    My aircraft sat on the ground for 15 weeks without being moved in a quite humid hangar (no idea if this was a factor). When I flew her home, I noticed the altimeter showing 500ft wrong. So I re-adjusted it by loosen the screw next to adjustment knob. For the next flight, the indicator just...
  8. chrisbre

    Wiring GMA340, ICOM A220: Help needed!

    So I plan to wire my new ICOM A220 to the GMA340. On the A220 side, the pinout shows separate GND-pins for headphone and mic (pin 9, 20). Garmin seems to use only one single "RETURN" wire (pin 14 in case of Com2). The other thing that confuses me: According to the Icom install manual, the...
  9. chrisbre

    GS signal weak

    Hi folks, just to give you an update on the status of my problem: I recently tried to remove the Nav/Nav-coupler. That's when I realized that the NAV have been connected like this: ................................._______GS1...
  10. chrisbre

    GS signal weak

    NAV antenna ist the original one installed in 1975 at the vertival fin of my Piper Arrow II. I substituted a RAMI AV-570 for the old CI-507. Same result with both oft them. There is another NAV splitter installed to feed the second KX-155 (without GS), I just don’t remember the brand. Sequence...
  11. chrisbre

    GS signal weak

    My GS needle starts moving and the off-flag disappears at the middle marker, or sometimes even later. Nice to practise LOC approaches, but nothing you want to have every day. I checked the radio (KX-155) by using it in another airplane – works fine. I also replaced the antenna/ GS coupler. No...
  12. chrisbre

    Better IFR Trainer: 172 or Arrow

    The non complex 172 will keep your workload lower if you haven't earned complex time before. You will be busy enough with all that IFR-stuff during your training. Of course the arrow is more fun.
  13. chrisbre

    Panel upgrade ? is it worth it ? Advice ??

    Is your outdated gps already wired to an indicator and the ap? So it won't be a problem with the kln. I did a low cost upgrade on the panel of my piper arrow, replacing a Garmin 100 :-( for a kln89. :-) Not luxury, but good enough for any approach except LPV and the cheapest way to add RNAV...
  14. chrisbre

    Holiday di$count 100LL at new FBO

    Have been to TX for three weeks, doing my instrument and commercial. Fuel was $5.- Felt like I was in paradise. Now back in Germany I'm facing up to $15.-/gal, of course no lobby, no vending machine or coffee, and airports "closing" at night, so no landing after sunset. Already missing your...
  15. chrisbre

    So Much for German Efficiency

    While cutting the budget for keeping the current equipment operational, Germany spent 865 million $ on the "Eurohawk"(the European version of the Globalhawk) just to realize that there's no way to get the drone certified for use in German airspace and stopping the project. I wonder what the real...
  16. chrisbre

    Updating King KLN90B

    If you have the installation manual and the pinout, make a connector (computer-style d-sub) with the wiring, pull the KLN90 and do the update at home. Requires minor electronic knowledge. Did so with my KLN89, similar pinout.
  17. chrisbre

    Your dumbest aviation moment?

    Did an almost perfect approach in my Skyhawk. Cut the engine at touchdown. Noticed then I've had my right hand at the mixture, not the throttle all the way down! :mad2: