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  1. Dswig1

    Private Runway

    Its just a private airstrip. There used to be a seaplane operator there. He left by way of high fuel prices.
  2. Dswig1

    Private Runway

    No its all beach sand. He laid down long wire mats nailed in with long pins, otherwise you wouldnt be able to taxi on it. Keeps getting beat up with nor'east winter storms
  3. Dswig1

    Private Runway

    That belongs to a friend of mine. Its less than 700ft now with erosion. There also a dog leg in the middle :eek: he hasn't been able to talk me into trying it. :nonod:
  4. Dswig1

    Private Runway

    3 degree slope from high end to mid field
  5. Dswig1

    Private Runway

    Yes, Pennikese Island next door was a leper colony.
  6. Dswig1

    Private Runway

    Cuttyhunk Island off the coast of Cape Cod
  7. Dswig1

    Private Runway

    Taking off same strip. I use about 600ft
  8. Dswig1

    Private Runway This is a 1000ft strip I do on a regular basis with a 182 only mods are VG's and flap gap seals. If the approach doesnt look good I just go around