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  1. S

    Garmin Pilot for Android -- Tech Support, Tips, Tricks

    You must try to enable 'multi screen mode' on Android (on mine it is done by pushing 'back' button for few seconds). It, in theory, allows to switch to another app without suspending first one. I did not switch in the flight, so I can't answer exactly on your question, and then, on my Note 3...
  2. S

    Garmin Pilot for Android -- Tech Support, Tips, Tricks

    THis is about vector maps and terrain information. They said (I asked few weeks ago) that terrain feature will be added to android version soon; I believe that they are working on major version with dynamic maps, terrain info and so on. And I hope that they will add 'kneeboard' aopa pages to...
  3. S

    Foreflight on Android or Windows?

    Problem is that while pilots can get iPAD specifally for the flying, they usually already has a phone, and it is Android in 50%+ cases. And actually Garmin Pilot benefited a lot from this gap in Android market, as it is the only FULL (I tried few others and no one is full) aviation application...