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  1. HighFlyingA380

    How cheap is your airplane

    CRJ-900: 485ktas / 530gph X 81sob = 74er I think your true might be a bit quick there... 480ktas / 3,980gps X 890sob = 107er
  2. HighFlyingA380

    Aviation nightmares?

    Mine usually takes place while I'm deadheading and there is anything from a total crew incapacitation, rapid decompression, or cabin fire, down to the mundane like a broken coffee maker (not kidding :dunno:). Oddly, these always happen on a Waterski flight...
  3. HighFlyingA380

    Hangar fire at Spirit of St Louis (KSUS)

    I couldn't figure out how that kind of fire would happen in those hangars, they're just metal support beams and metal sheeting. That hangar had an added upper-level framed in with a short of office space/lounge. Lots of flammable material right there, and I'm betting some sort of short circuit...
  4. HighFlyingA380

    Clearance delivery at Class D?

    My local 'drome has a CD which is only used for IFR; VFR folks just call ground on initial. As others have said, that's the norm for VFR unless otherwise specified on ATIS (which I haven't ever heard at a D, but have in several Cs).
  5. HighFlyingA380

    Saudia Airlines False Distress Call

    I'll just leave this right here...
  6. HighFlyingA380

    Skyhawk Down at Spirit of St. Louis KSUS

    It does amaze me. This example always comes to mind when discussing response times:
  7. HighFlyingA380

    Skyhawk Down at Spirit of St. Louis KSUS

    I dunno, I think I'd have to put an in-flight cabin or cargo fire on top... At least if you're trapped in the wreckage (assuming no post-crash fire, fuel spill, or extreme cold) there's less risk or further injury and you might be able to simply wait until rescuers arrive.
  8. HighFlyingA380

    Skyhawk Down at Spirit of St. Louis KSUS

    Not that I've heard. I dunno, if there was loss of power I'd expect something to have been said on frequency; But with the sudden and hurried "check altitude" call from ATC, I was thinking a departure stall.
  9. HighFlyingA380

    Skyhawk Down at Spirit of St. Louis KSUS

    Skyhawk N52265, a rental plane at Air Associates of Missouri, crashed around 8:00 this evening while on departure on the upwind-to-crosswind turn while doing pattern work. After over 2 hours of searching, the pilot, who was trapped in the plane, has been found and brought to the hospital. His...
  10. HighFlyingA380

    Auto pilot disconnect is not mic push to talk.

    I think just about everybody has done it. Luckily, most probably don't do it at a towered field on video like myself... (At 14:23)
  11. HighFlyingA380

    Does a Commercial license have any TSA privileges?

    I suggest you familiarize yourself with FAR 121.547...
  12. HighFlyingA380

    Had to surrender my certificate...

    @Gucci Pilot Yeah, I asked him what that all meant, and he kinda explained how it is indeed only a limitation on the CL-65 type, but not the whole ATP because that's all they can train/test for, and it's not supposed to limit my entire ATP privileges. I honestly don't really understand or care...
  13. HighFlyingA380

    Had to surrender my certificate...

    Thanks everybody for the heads-up on that mistake; The examiner is gonna run a new one tomorrow.
  14. HighFlyingA380

    Had to surrender my certificate...

    @jordane93 I did think that was off, but they said it was good. I'll talk to them tomorrow before my LOFT. @gasfiltered Lol, sorry to disappoint. But alas, the night is young... I'm just glad I was fortunate to avoid that route.
  15. HighFlyingA380

    Had to surrender my certificate...

    @James331 Not sure I follow? I did have single- and multi-engine on my CPL; Does this new one not simply upgrade the ME portion to ATP?
  16. HighFlyingA380

    Had to surrender my certificate...

    @jordane93 I was April 25th as well at GoJet, and they were also backed-up. A sim slot opened up at the last minute so I was able to bump up my schedule by almost 4 weeks.
  17. HighFlyingA380

    Had to surrender my certificate...

    @jordane93, who are you on with?
  18. HighFlyingA380

    Had to surrender my certificate...

    And all they gave me in return was this flimsy piece of paper. But on the plus side, at least I'll get more than 3 hours of sleep tonight.
  19. HighFlyingA380

    Got a Part 121 Flyin' Job!

    Hmm, interesting, haven't heard of that one before. Yeah, GoJet is owned by Trans States.
  20. HighFlyingA380

    Got a Part 121 Flyin' Job!

    I already miss it; Always was and still is my favorite airplane. Maybe with this massive new contract at GOJ, I'll be able to buy my own 'Van in a few months, lol...