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  1. MDeitch1976

    KOSH 2013 Update

    I should be in Sunday around 3PM. Flyer, where you parked at?
  2. MDeitch1976

    2013, So who is going ?

    I will be there. Flying in on Sunday, and leaving is Tentative. Maybe Thursday, maybe Friday, Maybe Saturday?
  3. MDeitch1976

    2013, So who is going ?

    Looks like I will be going. My instructor put me in touch with someone organizing a group. Most likely not piloting at all, but being in a plane to get there is good enough for me. This will be my first!
  4. MDeitch1976

    W & B? Moving CG

    I like that method
  5. MDeitch1976

    W & B? Moving CG

    Thank you
  6. MDeitch1976

    W & B? Moving CG

    This question actually arose when I had written a weight down of 2202 instead of 2002 as my gross. I had a CG of 79.5 On the Cessna 172M Envelope I was off. I was actually in the utility category when I realized my mistake. My question is, if I decided I wanted to shift the CG from 79, to...
  7. MDeitch1976

    W & B? Moving CG

    Hello Everyone, Now that I have moved from the 2 an Piper Sport to the Cessna 172, W&B is going to matter more with taking people and baggage along. My question is if you are out of CG for example a forward CG, and you want to move the CG to a known CG. Also, you know what station you are...
  8. MDeitch1976

    2nd Career

    One of the problems is most CFIs are green because they are building hours to pursue airlines, or whatever. I am happy that my primary instructor is a CFI by profession. Her an her husband are both CFIs, and they are doing what they want to be doing. At some point they were green as well.
  9. MDeitch1976

    2nd Career

    I am not a flight instructor, but I was under the impression that my CFIs and others at other schools do not receive the entire amount I pay per hour for them. Is this inaccurate?
  10. MDeitch1976

    First IR Lesson Yesterday

    I am training out of GAI. Originally obtained my Private from Fleming. 172 Training at WIFA. My instructor uses a plane from another airport that spends most of its time at GAI. Like you, I think I would agree to learn from the instructor and then get some more practice with a safety pilot...
  11. MDeitch1976

    First IR Lesson Yesterday

    Most of my flying to date has been joy rides out and about within 50nm of the airport. I still have required time to build. That is why I am combining the time with the instruction. The many people who have said they want to go flying have dwindled once realizing I actually obtained my...
  12. MDeitch1976

    First IR Lesson Yesterday

    After practicing sim work with the instructor, would it be counter productive to practice those maneuvers on Microsoft FSX? We spent the first hour doing Straight and Level, Climbs, Descents, climbing turns, and descending turns. Of course practicing not fixating and keeping the scan going. I...
  13. MDeitch1976

    First IR Lesson Yesterday

    I do think I understand already. My instructor of course had me working on the scan and some basic maneuvers. And, I had said this is going to be a lot harder when I have to talk to someone too.
  14. MDeitch1976

    First IR Lesson Yesterday

    My instructor had said most students do all their time Dual. She did say I could go out with a safety pilot to build some of the cross country time needed. She did prefer it be another IR rated pilot. I definitely would wait until after I knock out most of the time with the instructor. The...
  15. MDeitch1976

    First IR Lesson Yesterday

    Last night I started IR training with my instructor. Her and her husband have a flight sim at home that I can build 10 hours in. Her lesson plan has 20 hours instruction in the actual plane, and part of the lesson plan has 10 hours in the sim which seems like a good idea.. We are going to...
  16. MDeitch1976

    Pilot Finance

    I was interested in Pilot Finance for a little bit of time. My thought was if it is just a hobby then having to payback a loan for several years while flying less is not worth it. Unless of course my income goes up during that time. Getting my PPL took longer because I used the available cash...
  17. MDeitch1976

    "Practicing crosswind landings is like practicing bleeding before surgery"

    I went out with an instructor a few weeks after getting my PPL. Just to evaluate how I am doing. Also, it was a strong crosswind day with the winds coming from the side of the runway they don't typically blow from. If I was not in a Piper Sport probably not a bad day for most GA planes...
  18. MDeitch1976

    overtaking slow planes in the pattern

    Another question to the OP is where was the cub in the pattern when being overtaken by the velocity? If the Cub is turning base, probably not a good time to overtake them. But, if the cub is not even mid field on downwind, I do not see a problem with this. To me this just seems like the...
  19. MDeitch1976

    Subway Sued Over Length Of "Footlong" Sandwiches

    It is time for a class action suit against lawyers.
  20. MDeitch1976

    Subway Sued Over Length Of "Footlong" Sandwiches

    Ever notice when they cut the sub roll in half, it is never right down the middle? It's a conspiracy, Subway already new it was not actually 12".