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  1. F

    Most beautiful place to learn flying?

    Thanks for all the replies. My OP was about what you guys thought was the most beautiful place to learn to fly, not where did you learn. :yes: In any case, great diversity. I am in a position where I can almost choose where to learn, I am a foreign student and will take few months off my...
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    Most beautiful place to learn flying?

    I was just curious as to where do you think is the most beautiful place to learn flying? If you could choose your flight school, where would you want it to be?
  3. F

    First thing a pilot should learn?

    A lot of humor here, I luv it. Thanks again guy for your responses.
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    First thing a pilot should learn?

    Waoo, so much info. Thanks especially Meanee, madseason and Apache for your input.
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    First thing a pilot should learn?

    OK, great advice guys. Thank you.
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    First thing a pilot should learn?

    Thanks Stewart! And about the money, trust me, I know that!
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    First thing a pilot should learn?

    I will be learning to fly starting next April. I have accumulated some materials recently to help me achieve that. Obviously there's a wealth of information for a pilot, but if I were to start learning at home now, where should I begin? This is what I have: The sporty's What You SHould Know...
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    Aspiring (International) Private Pilot Questions

    Yes, I found out about that. Since I am a non US citizen, I enquired about this issue. I was surprised to find that many schools in your country train foreign pilots. That's great. Thanks for your reply.
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    Aspiring (International) Private Pilot Questions

    Thanks for the replies guys. Is there any particular flying school that is well rated in Los Angeles?
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    Aspiring (International) Private Pilot Questions

    Hello Pilots of America, I have been looking for a forum like this a while now, and I am glad I found you. A very short introduction of myself and then some questions and then maybe more questions...:) I am French and I live in Taiwan. I lived here for 20 years now. (I am 42) I get to travel...