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  1. westslopeco

    Online Logbook Suggestion

    Wow, this sounds pretty good. Any idea how easy it would be to migrate data from Zulu Log to Myflightbook?
  2. westslopeco

    Yet Another Owning Thread...

    What about a Tri-Pacer?
  3. westslopeco

    Tie Down Ropes Dangerous? Yes!

    Aspen just annouced that they are going to open the top of the mountain on Memorial Day Weekend. This has truly been a long dreary wet spring in the mountains!
  4. westslopeco

    I have a ridiculous flying nuance!

    Here is a link to aformentioned chingadera:
  5. westslopeco

    Rocky Mtn LSA Expo

    Sounds like I made the right decision this morning. If you do make it up here, let me know and I will take you to lunch.
  6. westslopeco

    Rocky Mtn LSA Expo

    Unfortunately I didn't make it down. The Wx on your side of the divide didn't look very conducive to a VFR approach out of Corona Pass. Wx up here (at least before 1:00pm) was excellent though, so I flew a large loop from Steamboat to Walden to Grandby to Rifle, and then back to Steamboat. I...
  7. westslopeco

    The ink is still wet

    Congratulations!! Who is going to be the first person you take flying?
  8. westslopeco

    Rocky Mtn LSA Expo

    So, Wx looks like it just might let me make this trip! Is there going to be an official POA parking area?:) I look forward to see the CO POAers again, and check out Eric's swank new plane. Tony
  9. westslopeco


    :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Looking very good!
  10. westslopeco

    There's lost and

    Acutually, upon return they were arrested by DHS, declared "Enemy Combatants" and sent to Gitmo for interrogation...
  11. westslopeco

    It's officially official- Alaska!

    The few days I spent in Anchorage earlier this month, I saw two moose crossing the road (in Anchorage). I am sure you will be seeing them soon enough. Looking forward to seeing some pics of Talkeetna and "the mountain"...
  12. westslopeco

    Destination Suggestions for Memorial Day

    That sounds good too, I will look into it.
  13. westslopeco

    Destination Suggestions for Memorial Day

    Let me know when you come up, we could meet for breakfast or lunch.
  14. westslopeco

    Destination Suggestions for Memorial Day

    Right now, for the trip back, I am planning to fly from WYS west to Cody, then direct SBS, which takes us right over the park. I am going to try and time our departure around Old Faithful's schedule. Thanks again for the suggestion, I am really looking forward to this trip.
  15. westslopeco

    Destination Suggestions for Memorial Day

    Don't believe everything you hear on the news. It is only one building that is having problems, and it is built in a known low spot, and actually the problem is that the culvert installed a few years ago to drain the property is a wee bit small... We are having warm weather coupled with wet...
  16. westslopeco

    Destination Suggestions for Memorial Day

    Wilson Bar is on the list for this summer, but is a little too far for this trip. Actually a bunch of the Idaho backcountry strips are on my list for this summer, I just wish they were a little closer.
  17. westslopeco

    Destination Suggestions for Memorial Day

    Thanks for the suggestion, I will check that out. I am sure that a flight over the park would be beautiful! Edit: Just went to Airnav and the airport's website. This looks perfect, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again. :cheerswine:
  18. westslopeco

    Destination Suggestions for Memorial Day

    So my plans for Memorial Day have fallen through. I have the 182 reserved and no place to go. I would love to camp with the plane if possible. I would like to stay within 300nm radius of Steamboat (KSBS). Does anyone know of an airport that meets those parameters? Tony
  19. westslopeco

    Yellowbird II

    Very cool! Can't wait to see the pics when it is done.
  20. westslopeco

    We are Moving

    Looks like the driveway needs a little work...:wink2: