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  1. Pegasus

    IFR w/Daughter & Grand Daughter

    Terry, Here is the quote to freak out on the first time you hear it. "Cleared for the xx approach, radar services terminated, cancel this frequency or with flight service on the ground." It's like WAIT, you can't leave me, what, I have to do the full approach all on my own.
  2. Pegasus


    With the upgrade all LNAV approachs give you vertical guidance on the Garmin. Minimums don't change but it still makes the approach easier and probably safer as you stay higher longer on the final segment.
  3. Pegasus


    GPS approachs with VNAV are so cool. The controllers like them too, they just let you go on your way, hardly any work on their part. Gotta love how they bring you down just like on an ILS.
  4. Pegasus

    Living near an airport

    Living on an airport, yes, only 28 years and counting. Walk out the back door to the hangar, roll out the plane and go. Airparks are great. Check out 6P3, we even have a couple of homes for sale at this time.
  5. Pegasus

    Why 2 GNS-430's?

    I have my GPS III Pilot connected to my 430. Any flight plan in the 430 is transfered to the GPS III Pilot. I usually have the GPS III Pilot displaying the HSI page and the 430 showing the map page. This makes for easy enroute and approach navigating. Much less cost than two 430's or 530's...