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  1. Pegasus


    Your best bet is to get to Airventure this year, at the Aircraft Spruce booth they have a bunch of different headsets that you can try on. It is in a little booth with simulated aircraft noise so you can truly hear the difference. For me ANR is the only way to go. Currently we have a...
  2. Pegasus

    More pattern police nonsense.

    How's this for nit picking? Cessna 1234 departing 09 xxx. Response by unknown: There is no runway 09, but, there is a runway 9.
  3. Pegasus

    How far to your plane?

    Same here @6P3 Waunakee, WI Joe
  4. Pegasus

    Propellers for Idiots

    One of the advantages listed for converting to the 3 blade Black Mac prop was: "Sex appeal" Haven't you noticed how the women just run up to the 3 blade props and give them a big hug? Too bad they don't do the same for the pilot. I did not see a reduction in speed with the 3 blade at least not...
  5. Pegasus

    How about this headset?

    I would ask around locally if someone had headsets for sale. Over the years we have upgraded headsets and now have Lightspeed. We have two Telex that are just sitting on the shelf, they make great passenger headsets. I would part with mine for very minimal cost. You should be able to find...
  6. Pegasus

    Garmin GNS-250 XLS v. GNS-300 XLS

    I agree. I have 430W in the panel, but have a 496 with XM weather, much more cost effective way to go.
  7. Pegasus

    Hernia repair

    Turned out just fine, no problems at all. I know I have to report it, but do I need any paperwork from my doctor.
  8. Pegasus

    Hernia repair

    I had a laparoscopic hernia repair last August. Will I need any documentation at my next physical this fall?
  9. Pegasus

    tug to recommend

    Here is a company worth looking into. I have an older version that is gas powered and works great on snow and ice too.
  10. Pegasus

    Estimating distance

    I believe most people use the GPS distance to say how far out they are. Now when the controller asks for a report 3 miles out on final, that distance may be up to a mile off if you are at a very big airport. So the question is what should our reference be? Looks like it depends.
  11. Pegasus

    If it's not one thing...

    I second that:thumbsup:.
  12. Pegasus

    I'm retarded!! How do I find FSS...

    -.. --- -.-- --- ..- -.- -. --- .-- -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. . ..--..
  13. Pegasus

    Nexrad updates slow in coming

    Yesterday we had a weather system moving through the midwest. At times the nexrad update time was sometimes 45 minutes or longer. Today it is not much better, as I am typing this I am at 21 minutes since the last update. One can be a long ways in that amount of time. I know, it's for looking...
  14. Pegasus

    Loran C Termination FY10

    Lets not shutdown Loran, I use it every time I fly. My Apollo 618C works perfectly.
  15. Pegasus

    Surface class E ?

    Steven, The day in question it was clear, no clouds at all. The flight vis was greater than 10 miles. The ground vis at LNR was greater than 5 miles, even though the ASOS was reporting 2 miles. By your strict interpertation of the regs at least 10 planes that day would be busted. Seems that...
  16. Pegasus

    Surface class E ?

    LNR airport has class E airspace from the surface. The ASOS is not correct on the visibility most of the time. Today it was reporting 2 miles and clear. I saw the airport from 8 miles out, runway clearly in sight. Who has precedence the ASOS or the pilots visibility?
  17. Pegasus

    496 XM weather issues

    hm, Thanks for the info on the Garmin update mine went from 3.6 to 3.7 on the 496. Joe
  18. Pegasus

    Seneca V annual - PA-34-220T

    Did the shop owner just buy a new yacht? Maybe a payment is due and he needs your help. Seems very hard to believe that all cylinders need to be replaced. You need another opinion from someone who is not trying to sell you something, like cylinders.
  19. Pegasus


    In the early days of color tv the technicians used to degausse the picture tube with a large coil of wire. Someone may just have one lying around. If your are talking airframe it would not work, but something small it would.
  20. Pegasus

    Did your XM weather quit?

    Scott, Thanks for the link, I missed it. Joe