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  1. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    Not to my knowlegde my landings are very good usually and never side loaded I will wait until my A&p takes a look. It somehow happened after the annual before I even took it out of there. ( i didnt think much of it at first until now) Thank you guys for all the info learning a ton
  2. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    Interesting could I have caused it?
  3. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    My annual he changed the right tire ( the one thats bad ) he did a bad job huh? Trying to find the wedges now
  4. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    Well to my surprise it looks like the wheel is crooked The back is 76" the front is 75" ( these were at low points at the ground id imagine it to be worse if i had someone holding the other side midway up the wheel) How do i see the wedges? Do i need to take anything off?
  5. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    Ah I understand now few hours will update
  6. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    Let me know if this is what you meant ( from left from in cockpit to right) Back 6/32 rib one left 8/32 rib two 8/32 7/32 right Front 6/32 6/32 7/32 6/32 The wedges are hard to see but it looks like there are 4 plates on the bent wheel and 2 on the good one it is hard to see...
  7. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    When I get off work I will report back :yes:
  8. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    It appears to be the angle of the wheel not so much the strut itself
  9. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    I agree with this going to have an A&P take a look thanks.
  10. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    as a follow up I taxied around in a straight line for a good distance and it was still bent inward. I feel like it does cause issues on landings it seems to move the plane very slightly to the other side (There is no damage to anything relating to the gears It is just the weird angle it...
  11. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    but will it blend :lol: I feel much better now I think
  12. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    its been this way for a week now I mean the picture is hard to tell but I do turn the plane very sharply to park it every time.. Maybe this is why. I will have to taxi around and take a look. (Today I did a hard left turn to park it to push back in a tight spot) would that make the right main...
  13. J

    Cessna 150 Main Gear Strut bent inward?

    I noticed after my annual was done one of the struts (the right side) was bent inwards a bit too much it is hard to explain so I will attach a picture of the 2 sides even the left side looks SLIGHTLY bent inwards. Is this normal? Or is this a bad sign? (right side from cockpit)...
  14. J

    Cfi pay/liveable wages?

    Thanks guys for all the responses, I love flying and it wouldnt even be like a job to me. Liveable I consider above 30k atleast. That would be the lowest I could accept. if you guys think thats easy to attain with only a cfi no mei or cfii ( but will obviously add them on as soon as practical)
  15. J

    Cfi pay/liveable wages?

    I would love to teach but I fear I will not be able to support myself. I sent a PM
  16. J

    Cfi pay/liveable wages?

    This probably varies flightschool to flightschool. But for the most part if you are a cfi can you live on that alone? (A place to live the bills etc..) how many hours do you work on average a week? What is an average hourly pay rate? Do any flight schools offer salary instead of hourly pay if...
  17. J

    Fuel leaking ALOT out of overflow

    I will try to rotate it and see if that fixes the problem i would imagine a 180 rotation should fix it if that were the problem?
  18. J

    Fuel leaking ALOT out of overflow

    Very nice post. I think this is my problem. Thanks all for the help!
  19. J

    Fuel leaking ALOT out of overflow

    I have a 152 and the overflow under the wing is gushing out fuel when I have it topped off or am taxing with a high % of fuel. Is there a problem I am not seeing?
  20. J

    2 year certificate what is it?

    My instructor said something about a 2 year certificate for the plane ( something aircraft related ) he wasnt talking about a bi annual flight review. What could he be talking about? He didnt seem to have a clear answer thanks.