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  1. J

    Hot start why don’t we prime?

    Why don’t we prime if It is a hot start in most 172s just a simple answer to understand the mechanics of it would be greatly appreciated thanks !
  2. J

    Jet stream question

    That’s what I thought too but I saw many pictures of all 4 jet streams going west to east.. thus the confusion
  3. J

    Jet stream question

    Why does the southern hemisphere jet stream go west to east like the northern hemisphere; wouldn’t coreolis effect make it go east to west ?
  4. J


  5. J

    On this gps approach TAA question

    I’m confused about the TAA ? When would you do a procedure turn? What does the area I have circled mean to me when would I do a procedure turn vs not do it What if I come from area A Thanks!!
  6. J

    Flight planning DA42

    So I’m doing my commercial initial in a DA42L360 (multi) but the AFM doesn’t say anything about climb performance other then FPM how do I know what the fuel burn will be if it doesn’t say anywhere in the thing.. thanks!!
  7. J


    I saw it and was curious as to how they can have a MOCA which gives obstacle clearance that is lower then an MCA it doesn’t make sense to me why would you need to climb higher then a MOCA to clear an obstacle for MCA when the MOCA should give you the clearance ?
  8. J


    But why can I be lower then 13 going south ? I can’t use the MOCA? I don’t get your answer I’m not asking about lost comms I’m asking for a normal flight what is the lowest altitude I can use why have a MOCA if you must be at the MCA?
  9. J


    Going south to north along V231 can I use the MOCA or must I cross at 13000 for the MCA? I’m confused at jessy what is the lowest I can go along that airway
  10. J

    Engine shut down in twin?

    Let’s say your oil temp was very high in red and low oil pressure it starts smoking would you secure by memory or checklist? That is more of the question I suppose
  11. J

    Engine shut down in twin?

    just wanted to confirm something , there is a checklist for 1. Engine failure during flight which includes the full mixture full prop full throttle then there is 2. Restart procedures where you try to turn it back on and 3. Securing engine checklist where you feather it If it happens in cruise...
  12. J

    Figuring out accelerate go

    Ok that makes sense to me thanks thats what I thought just wanted to confirm
  13. J

    Figuring out accelerate go

    The poh has a formula that I listed above to figure out % gradient but does not give a accelerate go distance not sure why .95 that’s just what it says
  14. J

    Figuring out accelerate go

    If I do ROC / TAS x .95 I get the gradient let’s say it’s 4.1 how do I figure out how many feet it would take to clear 50 foot obstacle I’m assuming it would be 50 / 4.1 x 100 to see how many feet it would take Or how would I figure out takeoff for single engine with no accelerate go distance...
  15. J

    Part 91 jobs in dalllas area?

    Anyone know of any part 91 gigs in Dallas if you have about 1500 hours ?
  16. J


    Once you get a commercial pilots license do you NEED to get an ATP for working 135 or 121? Does 135 pay well/ easy to get a job with over 1000 hours ? Sorry if this is a silly question
  17. J

    Silly question but what does this mean

    So it is just Wires connected from the battery? here is 1/2
  18. J

    Silly question but what does this mean

    The a and the b on the left side of the electrical circuit diagram for the 172? alternator and battery?
  19. J

    Which wind data to use for flight plan in future

    The metar isn't valid though past one hour ? I'm talking 2-3 hours down the road
  20. J

    Which wind data to use for flight plan in future

    For a checkride, the Nearest taf is further then 5 miles what would be the best "valid" source if going from sea level to 4500 or so feet