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  1. T

    HIMS Testing

    I'm That Mom who posted on this forum two days ago for very similar reasons. I don't have advice to give, except to say that there are generous people on this site who are willing to give counsel. I'm sending positive vibes to you and your son!
  2. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    Yes, the blood issues are still a concern, and we are about to take that up, yet again. He just graduated HS, so we have all summer to push forward and try to finally get into a hematologist. I realize we may land on another disqualifying condition (MPN, MDS, etc.), but his health is the priority.
  3. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    Thank you!
  4. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    I just saw this advertised last week! We used to go to the Joint Services Open House, but they have not had it the last couple of years. It's not close, but we could stand to get out of town for a bit! We may have to do it! Thanks for the tip!
  5. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    Thank you so much. It's really all just overwhelming and confusing when you're standing outside of this world, looking in. My heart breaks for people who have had to quit, or never get started. I was an FA before he was born and I know how it is to love flying and the lifestyle that goes along...
  6. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    Thank you. This is very helpful.
  7. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    Thanks. I do agree that there is much wrong with the current system. I understand that there have to be standards of safety, and at the same time, it is sad how disincentivized pilots are to seek both mental and physical health-related help, especially those whose living depends upon their...
  8. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    Yes, perfect. I understand. I do want to be honest and include everything. I am even tracking down the record of his hospitalization at two years old when he swallowed a penny and it got stuck in his esophagus because it asks about prior hospitalizations. =o) Thank you.
  9. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    Ahhh. I see now. Thank you for the link. We are obviously going to have to take out time to get all ducks in a row. Another question for you, if you don't mind.... When sending medical reports to the FAA, are those paper copies? Like from his pediatrician who he no longer sees, do they need to...
  10. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    So does that mean that you only report meds that he would being currently taking at the time of filing out MedXpress, not a historic record of meds taken? I'm sorry. I just want to have a correct understanding of what is appropriate without giving unnecessary info.
  11. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    Thank you. I really appreciate it. He's such a good kid, and he rarely wants anything. This ADHD dx really was me pushing, and if I could take it all back, I would. He's been off meds since December. Yes, we talked about Sport Pilot while he waits for the timer to run out for Fast Track. THere's...
  12. T

    Yet another ADHD post.

    I'm sitting here, sick to my stomach thinking that I have wrecked my son's shot at doing what he wants for his future. During Covid and distance learning, my son was starting high school. It didn't go super well. He got vaxxed, then he got sick. Then the fatigue set in. Was diagnosed with...