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  1. PBristolJr

    Best Pilot Poll #3

    They're better at what they specialize in. I'm sure an Alaskan bush pilot is better at flying in and out of tiny strips, but the Fighter jock would eat him alive in BFM.
  2. PBristolJr

    Flight Hours....?

    Fly as a safety pilot for those working on their instrument rating, and work on your commercial/cfi.
  3. PBristolJr

    Need Emergency Ideas for Training

    Get airborne and then try some climbs, descents, and turns using only power, trim, and your feet. It's quite easy.
  4. PBristolJr

    Need Emergency Ideas for Training

    :lol: How about control malfunctions? Jammed ailerons/rudder.
  5. PBristolJr

    M20C comparable experimental

    No, but it's a lot closer than 1.5mil for an Evolution.
  6. PBristolJr

    M20C comparable experimental

    Or for a less expensive 4 seat option than the Evolution, the Lancair IV piston:
  7. PBristolJr

    M20C comparable experimental

  8. PBristolJr

    Next up - Commercial and CFI

    Can't stress this enough! I used the ASA books for my Private/Instrument/CFII written tests. I purchased the commercial materials from shepard and it cut the time needed to study down immensely! I decided to keep using them for the FOI.
  9. PBristolJr

    Experimentals and ATC Go down to "4-2-4. Aircraft Call Signs"
  10. PBristolJr

    Bose A20 versus X

    Agreed with Jason, going from the X to the A20 for me was quite an upgrade.
  11. PBristolJr

    12 Seconds to Pattern Altitude

    Quick climb to.......pattern altitude
  12. PBristolJr

    First Airplane?

    A new Skylane is 500K, NFW I would do a leaseback with one.
  13. PBristolJr

    First Airplane?

    F-16, if you need to bring the girly along get a Hornet.
  14. PBristolJr

    Thinking about selling my Stratus 1

    I'm a son, and always learning to fly? :dunno::D If your son has an iPad/Foreflight subscription give it to him..he will learn to love it.
  15. PBristolJr

    Overhead break?

    It saves some time in fast airplanes, in the Lancair if we're descending and are given a straight in we usually request an overhead, that way you can come in at 180kts, about midfield pitch left or right, put a couple g's on the plane and pitch up to go from 180kts to gear speed (122kts) in a...
  16. PBristolJr

    Intensive flight training thoughts

    I'd do commercial single before multi, then go to someone like this to knock out the multi commercial. Both of these after the IR obviously.
  17. PBristolJr


    I think it would take more than 4 actually :mad2: All in good fun though! The planes are made for totally different missions. :yes:
  18. PBristolJr


    I love passing twins in a single sipping 8.5 GPH :D
  19. PBristolJr

    Am I Ready Or Set to Go?

    You will want to get at least your Private before you graduate, which shouldn't be a problem as you have time. As far as going active duty to get a pilots slot you will end up with whichever airframe they assign you to based on how you perform in pilot training. The Air National Guard is also...
  20. PBristolJr

    Micro fiber towels

    Microfiber towels and Pledge.