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    Get A&P license to maintain own Airplane

    I had 2 letters from 2 IAs I worked under on my own plane, no detailed logs and that was enough. Unfortunately they are now retired. The FAA can also waive the 3 year requirement for the IA as well so you can theoretically get your A&P and test for your IA right after if the FAA approves it...
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    Get A&P license to maintain own Airplane

    There the govt and they are the ones running this dog and pony show. I could fly my plane with no certs if the FAA didn’t exist. Glad my FSDO is flexible and they keep people like you out of those jobs It’s there desision to allow it
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    Get A&P license to maintain own Airplane

    Completely worth getting your A&P / IA, it’s not $1000 any more for an annual, mechanics are emboldened enough to start charging time and materials at rates of $120 hr. I was recently quoted 5-50k for an annual in anchorage ak by angle aviation I strongly recommend getting your IA before...
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Causing an observable violation is different from a non observable violation. One has evidence to get a warrant the other is a fishing expedition.
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Correct, I have already passed the writtens but they expired after I failed the O&Ps. So I am just going to start with power plant to make the process more digestible. I am a dual PE so I think I can do it if I just get after it. Its just obnoxious how much of a hustle the FAA has allowed the...
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    That is very interesting, so the supremecy clause is at odds with the 10th amendment. Not sure the founders were quite as smart as I give them credit. Either we have a federal dictatorship (which is what we have now) or we have states rights, there is not much in between. Looks like their...
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    B - yes, tft - yes How would they know your out of annual just flying around absent these items?
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    The check ride for the ppl is also a hustle. The FAA has a very tiny number of people they approve (sorta like dmes) so they have outragious fees. Because the FAA can’t be bothered to do it themselves It’s not about ease it’s about cost and the arbitrary 2 year time to sit for the IA, I...
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Also if you committed the violation on a private ranch and the cop was driving on your property without permission he couldn’t bust you for even a dui because the first question is why did he blow past the no trespassing signs with out a warrant or probable cause?
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Sure that’s what happens in corrupt communist countries. What about Belize or phillipines or even Mexico? Pretty sure all countries are not equal
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Yes that’s correct, just because you don’t have a licence or an annual does not mean you cause a violation while flying, only a corrupt judge would give a warrent for a fishing expedition If you have an incident then that’s an entirely different matter. It’s like the dea walking by your house...
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Fed Fed Law should never trump state law unless it is a power expressly allowed by the constitution. This is a big reason we are in the situation we are in today Unless the airport gets federal funding or your crossing state lines while commiting a crime the feds should have 0 jurisdiction...
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Cost you 3k EVERY year? So your mad about the im but big money for an aircraft annual is reasonable?
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Hello Dan, I agree the problem is once a reg exists or a 3 letter agency exists they never go away they just grow until no one can do anything. So reform would be great, how well do you think say enough signatures would get the A&p ia combined with just a single written exam and 2 years exp...
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Based on what if they have no access to the plane or the property?
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Pitts is a difficult plane to fly but very simple mechanically (other than rigging work), or the wood and fabric if you ever found damage with a bore scope), all wiring and tubing is in the open so very little has to be “opened up”. IAs keep retiring at alarming rates, FSDO claims there are...
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    This is a very interesting case study, had there not been a mid air near miss and this guy was going from private property to private property in class G (or at least not A B or C air spaces) then what could the FAA do if there are no criminal incidents...
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    i have no interest in aviation other than to take off from one air strip fly aerobatics and land at the same air strip. Maybe if I could build a huge one man drone that could fly across the desert at 140 mph that would be cool and then just land where ever.
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    Imagine if every one that owned a car had to get a costly “annual” every year to use there car from a special govt sanctioned mechanic, that would go over like a lead balloon. The right to use my own property with out being compelled by the govt to do business with a 3rd party
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    Aircraft owners thoughts on IA requirement for annual inspection

    So they can jump fences and pry open doors or trespass with no legal warrents or obvious probsble cause?