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  1. C

    I need some help

    Okay guys that helps make things a little more clear. Thank you
  2. C

    I need some help

    getting up to speed with with ipad (no cell pkg) /foreflight/Dual Electronics XGPS150A. Does the Dual Electronics XGPS150A pare with my cell phone then sync with the ipad to get weather to show on the Fore Flight app? Any help with that hookup before I start spending money would be...
  3. C

    Sold car now police knocking at my door

    thats what i would do but, i don't always make good decisions!
  4. C

    Leaning mixture for takeoff, pattern, etc

    What you don't want to do is apply full power and have the engine quit due to being too lean for full power. my thoughts exactly, screwing around with the mixture when there are way more important things going on isn't worth it to me.
  5. C

    AARP is out to get me

    i've been getting aarp crap for few years now too. what i do is take everything out of the envelope and stuff it along with any other junk mail i might have back in their postage paid return envelope and mail it back to them. because they pay the postage only on returned envelopes it's costing...
  6. C

    Introducing myself. I'm a newbie

    if i had any say so i would also tell you don't go into debt to go flying. you don't want to be in this position in 10 years or so "With a few bills, and rent, just "break even" for me would be close to $70k. That's not living comfortably and flying every weekend, that's just "normal"...
  7. C

    (one of) the problems with rental aircraft

    i don't recall ever having a discussion with a passenger about the condition of an airplane i was renting and taking them up in - they were excited to be on the inside at an airport and going flying - never even thought about apologizing about what the old cherokees looked like.
  8. C

    Piper LightSport down at KFFC

    "...person in his Piper LightSport when he crashed on Atlanta Regional Airport runway 31 ...." that picture doesn't look like any runway i've landed on - it's kind of curvy and i'm not sure but he probably shouldn't have crossed the double yellow line
  9. C

    Who lives at an airport?

    i live on and own part of an airport - private use 2100ft grass - there are 5 of us that own it. three of us live on there. The runway runs right through my backyard. There is nothing like coming home from work going out back pulling a plane out and going flying! The downside to a grass...