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  1. Joe Gremlin

    Selling an aerial photo

    To sum up the previous post, it's a part 91 op and you can do it legally as a private pilot even if the purpose of the flight was to take the photos. It falls under the 'incidental to business' use of the airplane.
  2. Joe Gremlin

    A question for the ladies here...

    Would you say that intuition is statistically better than trusting statistics? Sorry, I couldn't resist. :redface:
  3. Joe Gremlin

    Tell your TRUE story

    You and my ex must've gone to the same school. :D
  4. Joe Gremlin

    VISTA pretty much s**ks

    I would recommend that you hold off unless you can install Vista in a dual boot config.
  5. Joe Gremlin

    Tell your TRUE story

    In my single days I would pick up girls by telling them that I invented the alphabet. That's not entirely true. Actually I was a member of the team that developed the letters M N and Q. But the letter I? That one was all me and in fact it was because of this that the phrase 'there's no I in...
  6. Joe Gremlin

    Anyone else tired of being treated as a crook?[NA]

    When did it change? It changed when people got tired of getting taken advantage of. This may come as a shock but people from all walks of life are capable of being dishonest and that dishonesty knows no bounds.
  7. Joe Gremlin

    A question for the ladies here...

    Yes I was kidding. But I wasn't kidding about the other part. In this day and age, I don't think I would offer a ride to anyone I didn't know. At the same time, I don't think I'd accept a ride from anyone I didn't know (male or female) unless they were an employee of the airport or FBO.
  8. Joe Gremlin

    A question for the ladies here...

    There are lady pilots? :confused: I've heard they exist, but I've never actually met one. Male or female, I don't know that I'd offer a ride to any pilot I didn't know these days. But then again I live in the NE so I tend to think of everything in terms of potential for someone to sue me, file...
  9. Joe Gremlin

    Could really use some advice here......

    Every time I see a picture like this I think about it would make me more confident if they flipped the plane over and put everyone on the bottom of the wing.
  10. Joe Gremlin

    Could really use some advice here......

    First off I realize that I'm late to the thread and whatever was going to happen has already happened. However when I read the original post I had a thought. That thought was that just because a guy sucks at buying airplanes doesn't automatically make him a bad pilot. Therefore I can't really...
  11. Joe Gremlin

    Banner tow engine cooling

    Interesting story. One of the Supercubs I used to fly had a CHT gauge which was inop and had been since the first time I got in the plane. I asked one of the mechanics about fixing it once. His reply was why would you want to to know what the CHTs were and what are you going to do about them if...
  12. Joe Gremlin

    Banner tow engine cooling

    Flying banners is about advertising. That means you want your ad to be in front of people's eyes for as long as possible. That means you really want to go as slow as possible. I said 60mph earlier but that was really the upper speed limit. Any faster and the banner would really take a beating...
  13. Joe Gremlin

    Banner tow engine cooling

    You are absolutely correct. If you removed the cowl and did nothing more the engine would have absolutely horrible cooling characteristics. If you ever see a cowl-less banner plane up close, you'll notice that in place of cowl is a custom made plenum which sits on top of the engine and forces...
  14. Joe Gremlin

    Verizon FIOS

    We switched to Verizon FIOS a few months ago. We love it. We're only getting TV and Phone at this point because my wife likes to watch on-demand stuff a lot and Verizons on-demand content is still a little lacking. I look forward to the day that Verizon offers better on-demand content so I...
  15. Joe Gremlin

    Sell me a Mac!

    Under bootcamp there is no tap-to-click support, no support for the sudden motion sensor and no support for the ambient light sensor. The desktops also lack bluetooth keyboard and mouse support as well as USB modem support. As far as Paralells goes, it runs on top of OS X which means that...
  16. Joe Gremlin

    Sell me a Mac!

    I am brand new here but this topic (even though it's not aviation related) is something that I have some experience with. I am a long time PChead and I make no bones about that but I bought an intel based Macbook about a year ago because it was in my best interest work-wise to learn OS X. To...