Search results

  1. Joe Gremlin

    When at an uncontrolled field

    I guess I'm just a danger to everyone around me then. :rolleyes:
  2. Joe Gremlin

    When at an uncontrolled field

    If you'd like to buy a handheld for me I'll take it but I don't really think they're critical enough to safety to buy one myself. Now if there were a way to make sure every single plane in the air was equipped with a radio and none of those radios ever broke and the only way the airplane would...
  3. Joe Gremlin

    Tows Pilot Antics...

    If the towplane had released the glider, wouldn't it be descending? It looks like it's climbing in the video. Perhaps he's banking to avoid the collision?
  4. Joe Gremlin

    When at an uncontrolled field

    It depends. If have no radio, I make no announcements since I've found that no matter how loud I yell, no one will hear me. ;) When I have a radio typically if I hear no one else announcing on the freq, I'll announce downwind and base for the benefit of those who might be taxiing or...
  5. Joe Gremlin

    NA My next Car

  6. Joe Gremlin

    Flight Bags

    You know I was just thinking the other day about how my Cencal bag is almost 10 years old and still looks like new. I was thinking that I'd happily pay a premium for another based on how well it's held up over the years. Now that I know they're out of business, I'm sure my bag will self destruct...
  7. Joe Gremlin

    Was I expecting TOO much??

    I don't know that you're expecting too much but it's entirely possible that you're expecting to different from what reality may be. From what you've written, it's possible that you might not be up to speed on exactly how certain situations are typically handled with this particular school. The...
  8. Joe Gremlin

    You wonder what happened the AOPA Commander?

    Where in my post did I suggest that you would not owe taxes on the money portion of the prize? Nowhere that's where. Where in my post did I suggest that you would not get a 1099 for the entire prize of the airplane plus the cash? Nowhere. Richard Hatch is in jail because he failed to report the...
  9. Joe Gremlin

    You wonder what happened the AOPA Commander?

    Yep so if the tax on the $300k plane is $100k then the tax on $400k ($300k plane + $100k cash) would be what? About $133k? It's therefore easy to see that if the winner was awarded something like $150k or $175k in cash along with the plane valued at $300k, they'd easily be able to cover the...
  10. Joe Gremlin

    Cessna vs. Mooney

    Definately the Mooney as long as it's in decent shape. If it's a Johnson bar model, the only way to have a gear failure is if you manage to break your right shoulder during the flight. :D
  11. Joe Gremlin


    The canoe that my wife brought with her to our marriage, hasn't moved since we bought a pair of Dagger 11ft kayaks. We average two or three paddling days a month May through October.
  12. Joe Gremlin

    Missing pilot finally found

    I should say as well that I don't know the full story and I'm making some assumptions which could be incorrect. But based on what I've read so far, it seems that not only did CAP not want help, but that they never searched or only minimally searched the area of the last known transponder hit...
  13. Joe Gremlin

    Missing pilot finally found

    What's really distrubing here is that CAP had the radar data and went out and looked for a week before giving up. Yet they apparently only searched in TX and never looked in the area of the final transponder return and no one ever thought to tell NM officals that an airplane disappeared from...
  14. Joe Gremlin

    Anybody ever used "Geek Squad"?

    You quoted me in your post so I assumed your post was directed at me.
  15. Joe Gremlin

    Anybody ever used "Geek Squad"?

    What does any of that have to do with me? Are you suggesting that since I run my own business instead of working for the Geek Squad, I install pirate software on my clients computers? You would be wrong in that suggestion. Are you suggesting that since I run my own business instead of working...
  16. Joe Gremlin

    Anybody ever used "Geek Squad"?

    I love the Geek Squad and I hope they never change. Of course I own my own on-site PC repair business which technically makes me their competition. I don't really consider them competition as much I as I consider them a free marketing partner. In a nutshell, the more calls they get, the more...
  17. Joe Gremlin

    Which is safer- a twin piston or a single turbine?

    A turbine powered Bo probably has a much lower chance of having an engine failure than a piston powered Bo. But a much lower chance is not zero chance. PT6s do fail in real life. I've seen more than one king air come back on one engine. So if you go with the Bo, you're basically saying you...
  18. Joe Gremlin

    Need to go wireless at home

    Do not buy or attempt to use any of the 'N' spec routers on the market today. I have yet to see one that worked as advertised and I've seen many that out of the box, wouldn't work at all. You won't go wrong with a Linksys or Netgear 802.11G router.
  19. Joe Gremlin

    Back to XP

    As has been mentioned, the only way to get rid of Vista and go back to XP is to do a wipe/clean install. Given that your PC came with Vista pre-installed, you're likely to run into problems finding drivers. In addition, you're going to need to buy XP if you don't already have a boxed retail...
  20. Joe Gremlin

    RV7 Scary sequence of photos

    If you watch the video carefully, you can see the tail dip down (nose goes up) and then immediately snap back up (nose goes back down) about 20ft or so before the flip. It also appears that the nose gear folds up and the plane still moves forward a bit before actually flipping over.