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  1. MDeitch1976

    It has been schedule!

    Bob G
  2. MDeitch1976

    Restaurants around Aspen

    Do not know if I will have the opportunity to head out to CO 2013, maybe 2014. I will be back to that pizza shop. Very simply named.
  3. MDeitch1976

    It has been schedule!

    Good call. I will arrange to go in the night before. Also, I can make sure my plane is sitting in the front of the hangar. I do not want to shift around planes before hand. Also, in case it is cold, I want to be able to make sure it is warm enough to start. The Piper Sports are sometimes a...
  4. MDeitch1976

    Restaurants around Aspen

    It has been years since I have been out there. There was a pizza shop on a strip. Had to walk up some stairs. They had large slices of pizza, and prices were great. Might not be there. I want to say there was a fur shop next door. Could be wrong. Maybe you could bring some pizza into the...
  5. MDeitch1976

    It has been schedule!

    It has been scheduled! Hopefully, on Dec 8th I will posting good news. My Check ride has been scheduled for 0900. I will be there at 0700 making sure everything is good on the plane, and to gather up all the flight logs. I am confident, and nervous every time I think about it. Seems very...
  6. MDeitch1976

    Flight bag suggestions please!

    My Brightline should be arriving soon. Chanukah is right around the corner. Can not wait!
  7. MDeitch1976

    SR22T vs G36, Both fully loaded and latest model.

    I do not have a problem with the Cirrus at all. I would like to fly one. I have a problem with people who own them, and believe this makes them a higher class human of the world.
  8. MDeitch1976

    SR22T vs G36, Both fully loaded and latest model.

    Someone was showing them at an event at my aerodrome. They guy was nice until he found out that I was learning in a LSA. He had bought and SR-20 which he was also obtaining his license in. I will mention that same day, the people who were showing their Kodiak, and the people who were showing...
  9. MDeitch1976

    SR22T vs G36, Both fully loaded and latest model.

    I have noticed the Cirrus guys tend to have some type of back straightening device permanently installed up the no no hole, and their nose trim tab seems to be stuck a little high.
  10. MDeitch1976

    SR22T vs G36, Both fully loaded and latest model.

    I agree with the G36. With the extra length, could easily squeeze some skis inside there if I want to go skiing.
  11. MDeitch1976

    Bank Angle in the Pattern

    During my training my first instructor had me at the max allowed for the plane of 60 degrees. All the instructors after he left just wanted me to be more than 45 degrees. I don't know if it is a comfort level with the airplane, their own personal comfort, or just the thought that someone else...
  12. MDeitch1976

    I passed: A novel.

    Great write up. Congratulations!
  13. MDeitch1976

    PoA Weight loss support.

    Good job. The amazing thing is, I went to two Thanksgiving Dinners. But, I barely touched the desserts. While family was in town, I stuck to my diet. Only a couple of cheats, but very minor.
  14. MDeitch1976

    Taxiway Collison at GAI

    I have seen planes go both ways. You can not please everyone. Not sure which flight school plane. It was white and brown, my instructor had said it was a flight school plane.
  15. MDeitch1976

    Personal Airliner

    Is this what you are serving for inflight meal?
  16. MDeitch1976

    PoA Weight loss support.

    Down from 174 to 172, and this was after Thanksgiving.
  17. MDeitch1976

    Estimated time en route. Not sure what I did wrong.

    Do not get me wrong. Exams4Pilots is definitely very helpful. You will find areas that you need to work on. And, if they are wrong it really gets you thinking and proving your understanding of why you are right and they are wrong. Don't just use the comments. Check with your instructor as...
  18. MDeitch1976

    Taxiway Collison at GAI

    Thank you for the info. Even more critical to flight.
  19. MDeitch1976

    Can I weather balloon up above A

    "Center 610PS Emergency trapped on top A, Oxygen tank low, and my clothing is not as warm as I thought"
  20. MDeitch1976

    Taxiway Collison at GAI

    I am guessing the quick departure out of GAI was experimental too? It either was going to continue to fly, or not.