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  1. MDeitch1976


    Don't you worry, once you pass 20, the years go by quick. In no time, you will be able to say, "I keep getting older, and they keep staying the same age!"
  2. MDeitch1976

    Bose X vs A20

    Damn this thread. A20 on order. Now, I have to find someone to buy the free included headphones. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. MDeitch1976

    Help with Naviation Question on FAA Knowledge Test

    I have never been asked to use it, or needed it. But, that unusual problem you had triggered the thought. It really is not difficult at all to learn. Basically, the E6B is a very handy tool, and the electronic flight bags as well. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  4. MDeitch1976


    Then someone has to start some trouble....East POA vs West POA. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. MDeitch1976

    Help with Naviation Question on FAA Knowledge Test

    None of my instructors taught this to me. It was in the PHAK, so I tried it a few times. Just another tool, if someone cares to know. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  6. MDeitch1976

    Help with Naviation Question on FAA Knowledge Test

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD Image loaded upside down I know I cheated and used drafting paper. However, this can be done with just a plotter. And, you can even take it a step further and calculate wind correction angle. This is in your Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge.
  7. MDeitch1976

    Help with Naviation Question on FAA Knowledge Test

    What about drawing out a wind triangle? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  8. MDeitch1976

    Bose X vs A20

    I like my David Clamps. I do not have any problems with hearing in them. My longest time wearing them has been 2.7 hours straight without discomfort from the headset. This doesn't mean I wouldn't enjoy the Bose headset. On to the payment plan. I already have a pair of Bose headphones. I...
  9. MDeitch1976

    Bose X vs A20

    Why did you all have to tell me about the payment plan? My wallet just spontaneously combusted! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. MDeitch1976

    Most interesting Take-offs/Landings?

    I have landed 14 with an instructor there. I want to try out 32, downhill. I want to go when the FBO is open. I have been told there is a mug you can buy stating you have landed there. I believe this is the hottest RWY in my area. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  11. MDeitch1976


    Sounds like a Fly In getting ready to happen! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  12. MDeitch1976


    What he said. Life is not what it seems. Even black holes disprove physics as the super brains know it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  13. MDeitch1976


    David, I am glad to hear your embracing older women! You will be a great meal for the cougars. I used to have a friend that would go around to different women at the bar and just spit out, "you want to f***?" I would give him a 20% success rate with this approach. The rejections made for...
  14. MDeitch1976

    Be careful what you say online

    I can see going online and posting a bunch of lies about a company being a problem. Or, posting information based on hearsay. However, if you have hired or done business with a company and you are giving your opinion of the experience. There is nothing that company can do. They can TRY to...
  15. MDeitch1976

    It has been schedule!

    He still had me pull out the sectional for some of the questions he had. On the TAC he asked which airports offered fuel. Then he asked me why the TAC didn't indicate that? I dunno, and I don't even know where to look for that answer. Best answer was the Sectional had circles, and room for...
  16. MDeitch1976

    It has been schedule!

    Oral Passed. Discontinuance until Wednesday for the Flight. FDK 2 1/2 mist, 008BKN, MRB 008OVC. I would have waited around, but he had a 1PM Check Ride. Not to broke up about it. Takes a little bit of the pressure off for the flight. I got to roll some dice for choice of ground...
  17. MDeitch1976

    It has been schedule!

    Slipped my mind that I am PIC. And, yes it has all I need, and in better detail than the sectional. Other than it's awkward folding, I am a fan. Wanted to use my iPad, but my instructor wants me to use the charts. I kind of want to as well. I feel like, if I brought a tool along that can...
  18. MDeitch1976

    It has been schedule!

    If my route fits in the TAC, do I have a choice to use that over the Sectional? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  19. MDeitch1976

    It has been schedule!

    I know. I was just hoping to knock it all out at once. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  20. MDeitch1976

    It has been schedule!

    The progs and TAFs are looking as if it is going to MVFR to IFR ceilings and mist. Probably, just going to get the Oral out of the way tomorrow morning. Bummer. Hopefully, I will be able to reschedule the flight not to far out. Might have to take a sick day of work to fly. I will just call...