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  1. MDeitch1976

    Understanding FSS Frequencies

    Do I sense some sarcasm? I think for a student pilot, you get past the airport information, and just run into what looks like a bunch of nonsense. It took me several views through to say, hey, this is for IFR. Then I found the items that could pertain to me.
  2. MDeitch1976

    Flight bag suggestions please!

    By the way, I received my Brightline Flight Bag. Going to use it this coming week. I am already in love, still have room for more items. Need to get used to it, and decide where I want everything to go. I can see a long relationship with this bag. It is wonderful to know that I can build...
  3. MDeitch1976

    Understanding FSS Frequencies

    I have ripped out a few pages of the A/FD, other than just the airport information that would be pertinent to my flight. Some of this is informative, takes up very little space for a VFR Pilot. You can keep it in your flight bag.
  4. MDeitch1976

    Pilot or Captain?

    Good idea!
  5. MDeitch1976

    I'm a pilot!!!!

    Thank you, and you are right. The hood work happened after I crossed over the hatchery, and before my diversion. Had a couple of turns, a climb with turn, a descent with a turn. Then some unusual attitude training. Two of which after him going all over the place with some power changes...
  6. MDeitch1976

    Understanding FSS Frequencies

    I recommend reading Bob Gardner's book "Say Again, Please". It was really helpful for me.
  7. MDeitch1976

    Training tips and tricks?

    Now that I have received my temporary airman. I am going to ask my instructor what she would have liked to teach me, or would still like to teach me as a private pilot. Just because I have my PPL, doesn't mean there is not more to learn. I am waiting for one of my instructors to get her plane...
  8. MDeitch1976

    I'm a pilot!!!!

    This study is for real? We can put some floats on the cirrus. Purchase an inflatable female alligator, toss it in the water, and estimate at a distance. "No Change in size recorded"
  9. MDeitch1976

    I'm a pilot!!!!

    Maybe I can get a grant for one. Just need to come up with some kind of study to present to the Government. Before they decide to cut unnecessary spending.
  10. MDeitch1976

    Pilot or Captain?

    I was flying back from New York one year on a United Express J-32. We bounced a few times on landing. As exiting the airplane, I definitely addressed the pilot as captain, "Captain Kangaroo"! He didn't look thrilled. Because the curtain was open, I could see who was doing the flying.
  11. MDeitch1976

    I'm a pilot!!!!

    Before year end is great! I still need to get a mount for my iPad, and a back up radio, and I think my big accessories expense will be gone. I wish I could put the Bose on my tax return.
  12. MDeitch1976

    iPad "Word Processor" apps?

    I do not have a keyboard for mine, yet. However, if I am traveling, and do not want to bring my bulky laptop. It is feasible to bring along a keyboard to make typing easier. I assure you the space of a small keyboard is still going to take up considerable less space than my laptop. My iPad...
  13. MDeitch1976

    iPad "Word Processor" apps?

    I use Pages, and Evernote. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  14. MDeitch1976

    Pilot or Captain?

    Most of the time he calls me "Kiddo". Very weird for being 36 years old.
  15. MDeitch1976

    Thoughts on this night flight

    Good to hear you had a good time.
  16. MDeitch1976

    Pilot or Captain?

    I became an Ordained Minister for a couple friends who wanted to get married. They never did. Maybe, I can provide this service?
  17. MDeitch1976

    Pilot or Captain?

  18. MDeitch1976

    Tach time vs clock time

    Definitely use the Hobbs. An example: If you were Enroute, and that flight portion was an hour long, your tach time may only be 75% of that depending on your power setting. The actual time you were flying is an hour long.
  19. MDeitch1976

    Pilot or Captain?

    Is the difference between Captain and Master, who is the pilot in command? Or, is Master another level of Certification?
  20. MDeitch1976

    Pilot or Captain?

    In this case I guess the Doctor Seuss rules apply...I.E. Thing 1, Thing 2. Captain 1 and Captain 2.