Search results

  1. Flybuddy

    KSAT Citations collide

    Our colleague from the north expresses an all too common sentiment among many pilots, ie; that most accidents tend to be the result of stupidity, carelessness, blatant disregard, etc. It seems to be a coping mechanism inasmuch as, "that will never happen to me--he was an idiot". Sad part is that...
  2. Flybuddy

    4 seat kits. What's out there?

    Saint aviation in Dunnellon Fl. has a builder assist, quick build program for RV10s that meets the 51% rule.
  3. Flybuddy

    Does your spouse have a clue

    This might help with a nervous flying spouse: Show them videos of Garmin Autoland and ballistic parachutes. Put a large push button on your plane panel that is labelled "Press for Autoland" and a pull handle overhead that says " Pull for Parachute". IF she ever has to use them she'll only be mad...
  4. Flybuddy

    Cold weather starting

    Cold Weather Starting - nope!, the cold weather hasn't started down here yet (Ft. Myers FL), 90 degrees today. Seriously though, lighter weight oil, preheat for any freezing temps. Mixed opinions on value of pulling the prop through a few cycles to loosen oil.
  5. Flybuddy

    I have chosen FlyQ for my flight app. Love it.

    I'm a FlyQ fan also. When I did a panel upgrade earlier this year I came very close to doing Garmin equipment but the proprietary communication aspect is what turned me off.
  6. Flybuddy

    INOP or not INOP?

    I can't see anyone really being ever held accountable for something like this. It's more likely that if this were brought up to a dozen FAA folks they would probably be equally split on this also. Doesn't seem to make sense to have to placard when it's totally obvious by lack of the indicator...
  7. Flybuddy

    Saving money

    With some people who are cost conscious, it's a matter of principle. My 90+ year old neighbor is well off and owned a 2 year old Lexus. He had only one key fob, dropped it and ran it over with his golf cart. The Lexus dealer wanted over 200 bucks which he refused to pay so he kept driving with...
  8. Flybuddy

    Saving money

  9. Flybuddy

    EAA vs. AOPA vs. Type club

    EAA, care for the little guy and best on advocacy...A decade ago AOPA had twice the members of EAA, now they have almost the same number of members. While AOPA continues to decline year after year for continually increasing dues and losing touch with their base (elitists), EAA continues to grow...
  10. Flybuddy

    Some Sound Advice for new CFIs

    I thought "sound" advice was going to be Bose vs Lightspeed.:)
  11. Flybuddy

    Did I really just gain 10 kts by replacing a failing magneto?

    I think your copilot was using the "force"...."those are not the droids you're looking for"..."your plane is going 10 knots faster" :)
  12. Flybuddy

    Got my first letter from NASA!

    Now that NASA knows you have misdeeds they may not want you landing on the wrong planet :)
  13. Flybuddy

    WingX not showing NOTAMs

    I don't think there's been an update since Version 9 came out last February. Minimal support anymore, Hilton has apparently moved on, it's time we did.
  14. Flybuddy

    Electronic ignition

    I see the pros and cons of 2 EIs but I prefer the current setup as the simplicity of the mag, with no real ties to the electrical system, serves as an excellent/reliable backup. The EI provides a hotter spark with variable timing to one spark plug similar to more modern ignition systems. Is...
  15. Flybuddy

    Electronic ignition

    I replaced the left mag. Mine was a hard starter and that was the main reason I opted for the Surefly. No issues with space or fit.
  16. Flybuddy

    Electronic ignition

    I have one of the first certified units and find the microsecond lag issue to be a non event. When cycling through your mag checks on run up, the rpm simply drops off a little bit (100 or less) while the Surefly kicks back in. There is no backfire or any adverse effects. You wouldn't even know...
  17. Flybuddy

    Electronic ignition

    Lycoming simply rebranded Surefly (and probably added a few bucks) Back to the OP question...I've got an Archer and installed a Surefly a few months back and have been very pleased with it. Easy install, took about an hour. Starts much easier. Seems to run smoother and is a bit more efficient.
  18. Flybuddy

    Newer iPads

    Look up "IPAD REFURBISHED" and you'll see lots of low price offerings. Try to get the latest model you can, at least one that will take the latest IOS (13.1). An IPAD Air 2 will be the oldest model that will handle the newest IOS. As others have said, if you have any ADSB in boxes, Stratux...
  19. Flybuddy

    Dynon HDX installed in PA32-300

    Agree, and to add to this...Dynon is a 20 year old company that has never abandoned a product. They still sell every product they ever made. Conversely, Garmin is a 30 year old company and has orphaned 92 products in aviation alone...
  20. Flybuddy

    Long time in annual... is this normal?

    Spruce is good and I've had great success with them 99% of the time. BUT, when you order several items, occasionally one that shows in stock is not. Also, I avoid their backorder as the in stock dates are a preprogrammed guess. Recently waiting on 3 Good year Flight Special 2s which were part of...