Search results

  1. Flybuddy

    How much will airplane prices drop in 2020?

    During a downturn, aircraft prices have historically followed suit, however, parts and maintenance never seem to "suffer". Would also like to see some discounted panel products but with the backlog at Avionics shops I doubt that will happen.
  2. Flybuddy

    Surefly Mag / IO-540 Plugs Fouling

    I've got about 150 hours on a Surefly. I had done a wider gap on the plugs at install. Pulled the plugs yesterday and they were very clean. The Surefly really has been a nice addition.
  3. Flybuddy

    RC Allen Digital Gyro's

    I've got an Aspen E5 and I'd like to put a backup AI of some type in the panel also. The above doesn't really address a non required back up. Is there any easier way to install a backup AI that wouldn't need the TSO or STC of a primary instrument?
  4. Flybuddy

    RC Allen Digital Gyro's

    If you're going to spend that much for a basic AI or Gyro, this may be worth considering:
  5. Flybuddy

    For Sale Piper Upper instrument panel

    Assuming this is "wanted", not "for sale" can get them here:
  6. Flybuddy

    Garmin Aera 760 released

    I've been an IFLY customer since inception but I've always wished they would provide some upgraded hardware as their screens and processors are low end. The Aera 760 seems to be a higher end product. The quick glance at update costs in the video seemed on the high side and it won't display open...
  7. Flybuddy

    Cleaning GTN screens

    How about the regular plexiglass cleaners? They should be safe for the plastic coating.
  8. Flybuddy


  9. Flybuddy

    Avionics back up question

    Here's the NORSEE list..Not much on there for back up attitude that's not Ipad based except for AV20s.
  10. Flybuddy

    Avionics back up question

    It would be a good safety feature IF non required back up instrumentation didn't need to go through extensive approval.
  11. Flybuddy

    nice glass panels, and still need an iPad!?!

    My last plane was an RV6, although I didn't build that one I did cut the entire panel out and do it over from scratch. Even though I installed a Dynon Skyview with all the bells and whistles, part of my reasoning was to free up the right side for a large Ipad mounted to the panel angled toward...
  12. Flybuddy

    Audio Panel Upgrade

    If I did that I think I would blow my "stack" ;) Anyhow, I decided on the 7000BT from both the added value side, cost and ease of install. Also, The additional options on the higher level equipment aren't really needed by me. I can reuse the audio bottom connector and will have the intercom...
  13. Flybuddy

    Audio Panel Upgrade

    You might be right, but have you ever heard of a quote where they make that distinction?
  14. Flybuddy

    Audio Panel Upgrade

    Brad and Martin, I can agree with your logic about re-wiring the whole thing but that is a big undertaking that most shops probably won't do. Even on non compatible audio panels they will most likely pull the old connector, use old panel schematic to figure out which wire goes to which pin and...
  15. Flybuddy

    Audio Panel Upgrade

    Thx, you hit upon the sticky point, I've checked around and the install hassle and/or costs are huge (read this: My thoughts were that the 7000BT is a (somewhat) pin compatible unit with the KMA24 and I could wire...
  16. Flybuddy

    Is this reasonable for Altimeter/Transponder check?

    Our airpark chap came out about a month ago and it was $150 VFR and $250 IFR. May sound inexpensive but he can do a bunch of planes over a couple of days.
  17. Flybuddy

    Audio Panel Upgrade

    Yeah, but knowing Garmin it probably won't allow an Avidyne and King radio to communicate through it..;)
  18. Flybuddy

    Audio Panel Upgrade

    Currently have a KMA24 & SPA400 intercom and considering upgrading to a PMA7000BT. This would be a fairly easy install as you can reuse the lower (audio panel) cable (same pinout). Would still have to wire the intercom side. Other option is the PAR200A for about $1000 more but more difficult...
  19. Flybuddy

    FlyQ EFB Inexpensive Offering

    If you're playing with it the night before does that make it Fore-Play?
  20. Flybuddy

    FlyQ EFB Inexpensive Offering

    I did exactly the same..Had WingX for years and they seem to have abandoned their product. I still have Ifly also as I have a 740 and also run it on an ipad. FlyQ does most everything that everybody's favorite EFB does with much better and simpler pricing. One tip, The only minor issue I had on...