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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    Something that just popped in my head, how much does it cost to register the plane? I just paid a big bill renewing tags and registering a new truck and got to thinking about the aircraft. What’s the cost of registration? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    We’re looked into a lot of different options. We’d like to stay at or below $75,000 for the aircraft so we have a bit in reserve for unforeseen maintenance. We are all big guys (220ish lbs) and the cfi I have in mind is also 200+. So a sundowner has caught my eye. A little slow and higher burn...
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    I’d love any and all insight to cost of ownership. I’ll send a dm! Thank you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    I hope so. My full time jobs in healthcare so my schedule is more conducive to spontaneous trips. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    I like this guys attitude! Haha
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    Thank you for the reply, all very valid points. It’s a big, time consuming, financial risk not to be taken lightly. We’ve had thorough discussions on everyone’s expectations and they seem reasonable. I stressed that the only way to justify this would be if each of us had a passion for...
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    Haha yeah I left that out semi intentionally. I didn’t want anyone thinking I’m more knowledgeable about general aviation than I am. I got my commercial the day I left fort Rucker and have done nothing but fly for the Army since. I’ve spoken to a few mechanics willing to travel with us to do a...
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    I joined today with intent to check out there forums but found they didn't have any! I will look further into it. How do I go about sending them a question?
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    That's a good point about the medical. I have one through flying for the Army and one of us has one from soloing last year. The other is fairly young and in good health but we will definitely have to look into getting him check out.
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    Thanks for your input. So you'd advise we all get as far as a solo then consider purchase? Or just forgo the idea of buying until we've gotten our PPLs and enough experience to decide if we will fly enough to justify ownership? I actually have my commercial rotary from flying Blackhawks in the...
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    Valid point, we do intend on selling when we're done. I'm getting a few insurance quotes but it has seemed difficult to articulate our plan. I didn't think it was such a foreign idea. I thought someone else must have done something very similar.
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    Ha what are they gonna do? Pull me over?
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    Thank you! Having our LLC own it seems to be the way everyone has advised. I didn't think about having to retitle it if one of us wanted out. thanks. I'll give Mr. Woodruff a google and reach out to him.
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    Three brothers with no PPL considering purchasing a plane

    Myself and my two brothers (and possibly one other partner) are wanting to get our PPL's. By suggestion of others and by my own math, it's cheaper to buy a plane rather than rent. We've got a what I believe is a reasonable budget. I have a few questions to those who have done anything similar-...