Search results

  1. ColoPilot

    Tesla crash

    I thought Teslas checked for torque on the steering wheel while the autopilot was engaged to make sure the driver had their hands on the wheel? I'm sure there are ways around it (a weight hanging on the wheel?) or maybe the passenger reached over to the wheel enough to satisfy the autopilot.
  2. ColoPilot

    Spark Plugs To Blast or Not to Blast

    That was a funny autocorrect for mogas.:)
  3. ColoPilot

    Spark Plugs To Blast or Not to Blast

    Another example of the crazy aviation prices. With my car, I don't bother to clean the spark plugs, at $3 each I'll just spring for $20 in new plugs, especially since after I have removed them, I might as well put in new ones. But at aviation spark plug prices, I'd be cleaning them haha.
  4. ColoPilot

    Zero carbon emissions for major airline -- Do you think this is achievable? If so, how?

    Exactly, it sounds good now. Plus knowing United they will have a fleet of vice presidents with impressive sounding titles (VP of Corporate Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability) making hefty salaries in charge of it. Lots of PowerPoint presentations and PR emails, but no real work...
  5. ColoPilot

    Need to Find Out What Airline this Cap Belongs to.....

    Is it possible it's not a real airline hat? From a costume or movie prop or something that?
  6. ColoPilot

    Are all self-serve fuel pumps 24/7?

    I stopped at a small rural airport and taxied to the fuel pump. I got out and there was a sign that read "For fuel call Xxx-xxx-xxxx or yyy-yyy-yyyy". Nothing about self service or instructions. I walked around the airport but it was a Sunday morning and there was nobody around. I called the...
  7. ColoPilot

    [rant]I've been Ubergouged...

    What does Uber Platinum or Diamond get you? Upgrades? Cheaper fares?
  8. ColoPilot

    Are Pilots Better Auto Drivers?

    I was at a aviation safety seminar years ago, and the speaker asked everyone to raise their hand if they do a pre-flight before they fly. Everyone's hand goes up, as expected. Then he asks everyone to raise their hand if they at least walked around their car and looked at all 4 tires before...
  9. ColoPilot

    Really poor food and sevice....left a negative tip!

    If the service was so bad that I wasn't going to tip, I also wouldn't go back to that restaurant from the fear they would spit in my food or something.
  10. ColoPilot

    Thinking about getting my wife a birthday present rant

    I'll second everyone who mentioned an experience rather than a physical item. What is she interested in? I'm not sure where you are, but how about a private guided tour of a winery, national park, museum, or something like that? You could even combine it with flying by picking somewhere you...
  11. ColoPilot

    Really poor food and sevice....left a negative tip!

    Did you complain to the manager or leave a comment card so they know why you left a negative tip?
  12. ColoPilot

    Mini storage

    Why do so many storage facilities have the manager living onsite? Even the small complexes seem to have living quarters around here. They aren't open 24 hours so I assume it's a security thing?
  13. ColoPilot

    Wanted: Stunt Controller

    Or "Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full"
  14. ColoPilot

    Canada trip health insurance options?

    Huh??? The OP is asking about health insurance, not his medical.
  15. ColoPilot

    UPS for WiFi?

    Question about internet and power outages. I'm fortunate and rarely have power outages and I can't remember the last one. Does your internet ever go out when your power fails (assuming your modem and router were on a UPS)? I would assume it would if the power failure also affected the local...
  16. ColoPilot

    First ever Cell phone plan for flying purposes

    I use the Pixel3a -- it's old now, but I like that is runs stock Android -- no bloatware apps that you can't delete from the phone carrier. You get updates Android updates earlier than other phones and the camera is pretty good.
  17. ColoPilot

    First ever Cell phone plan for flying purposes

    I will echo Google Fi is great -- especially if you don't use a lot of data since it's pay as you go for data. I haven't had any problems except when I first switched I brought my phone from AT&T. I had some strange network issues, especially in the mountains -- in certain areas I couldn't...
  18. ColoPilot

    [N/A] I Did It Again...

    90% of people think they are better than average drivers. In reality, 90% are worse than average (not directed at you, just an observation).
  19. ColoPilot


    haha I like that quote. I haven't followed all the hedge funds with short positions, but at least Melvin Capital is already out, so those buying at $470 might not be the hedge funds anymore, but the "small guys" who are late to the party and will be left holding the bag when it collapses.
  20. ColoPilot


    A lot of little guys are still going to get screwed on this. The Melvin Capital hedge fund with the large short position in GME got out on Tuesday afternoon when the stock was $140 or so. But GME continued to run up the rest of the week and was at $470 at one point yesterday. Some people are...