Search results

  1. camel

    Might be ferrying a cessna 150 next week... tips?

    I would keep a close eye on fuel for the first few legs. For example, instead of trying to go 3 hours (assuming you have 4 hours of fuel), first go 2 hours, land and check the remaining fuel. You should have 2 hours left. If not, it's burning more than you thought and you'll have to adjust...
  2. camel

    FOOD at Oshkosh

    Hmm good idea. Are skateboards allowed? Now I'm thinking of bringing a boosted board (a motorized skateboard).
  3. camel

    New "technique" introduced during BFR

    A CFI here in Argentina recently said "what if you lose the yoke?" I said I'd use the rudder to turn. Good. "What if you lose the rudder pedals too?" I didn't have an answer. He told me to turn the plane (a C-152) using the doors. We did it, and it worked. Amazing.
  4. camel

    Airventure Tips

    I'll probably be flying (via airliner) into Milwaukee KMKE - what's the best way to get from there into Oshkosh (like a shuttle service or something)? It's about 90 miles.
  5. camel

    Any "advanced" simmers in here?

    I started with Flight Simulator 1.0 (I think it was black & white) when I was about 9, and played it through the 90s. In 2013 I got my PPL and now I'm back simming again with PilotEdge studying IFR (just took the I-4 test today). My main computer now is a Mac so I recently switched to...
  6. camel

    Passenger Briefing

    At my current flight school in Argentina, we have to memorize the passenger briefing and say it almost every flight. The 5 main items are: doors, seatbelts, ELT, fire extinguisher, survival kit, and no smoking. Of course we have to say it in Spanish, so when I get back to the US I'll...
  7. camel

    Airport nomenclature

    Keith Smith from PilotEdge (@coma24) just recently covered this exact issue in this video about Air Traffic Control, starting at about 32 minutes: The name to use is found on the Airport Diagram with the frequencies, or in the A/FD. Edit: I am trying to post the link to the exact spot in the...
  8. camel

    Bye-bye domestic flight plan form...

    They have a free trial, 30 days I believe. Or they made this video you can watch on youtube (for free):
  9. camel

    Anyone Up for Time Building in a Cessna 172?

    The links posted didn't work, but I believe these are the working versions:
  10. camel

    Plane breaks up mid air over Long Island

    Watching it now, nice. I got a kick out of you cursing the 1-pixel-wide click area when trying to changing frequencies. Fitt's Law demonstrated!
  11. camel

    Any aviation Entrepreneurs on here, or entrepreneurs in general?

    I currently run a search-as-a-service provider. A cloud search provider if you're into buzzwords :)
  12. camel

    Any aviation Entrepreneurs on here, or entrepreneurs in general?

    Yep.. self-taught first, then when I thought I knew it all, I got my degree in computer science.
  13. camel

    Any aviation Entrepreneurs on here, or entrepreneurs in general?

    Entrepreneur here, but in the tech space (built search engines), never in the aviation domain. Now that I'm flying, I'm more interested in opportunities to use my tech skills to solve aviation-related problems.
  14. camel

    Almost naked and afraid

    I don't care of my AME makes me dance like a chicken. If it gets me my medical cert, I'd do it. (do chicken dance?)
  15. camel

    Foreflight logbook - currency tracker?

    What are the dates for your flights? If you're entering flights from over 90 days ago, they may not affect your currency (since it has to be within last 90 days). If they are more recent, then maybe you need to input your PPL license? Just a guess. The currency indicator is working for me.
  16. camel

    Washington Post editorial in favor of private ATC

    NYTimes has an editorial response: Don't Privatize Air Traffic Control
  17. camel

    Washington Post editorial in favor of private ATC

    Putting on my conspiracy theory cap... Jeff Bezos owns Washington Post. Jeff Bezos runs wants to fly lots of drones. wants more influence over airspace rules, so it can fly drones. Ok, conspiracy theory cap off.
  18. camel

    Classic Threads

    Children of the Automotive Magenta Line: GPS Direct or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Magenta Line: The trick with the site search is to use the...
  19. camel

    N/A: Lawyers - Liability/Hold Harmless

    Not a lawyer, but this part is interesting because I thought that one of the basic rules of contract law is that any ambiguity is to be construed against the party who drafted it. In other words, in favor of you, the party who did not draft it. They're basically putting in a rule which...
  20. camel

    ForeFlight logs

    You can load them with Google Earth and view the track log with altitude in 3D. (for free)