Search results

  1. camel

    Attendants or Self-Serve Gas Pumps

    In Argentina (the whole country), attendants must pump your gas. It's much slower; at busy places there are often lines of people waiting for gas, like the 1970s in the US. But good luck to any politician who wants to propose changing the law that kills their jobs. Populism.
  2. camel

    Texas Lunchfinder app needed

    I'd love to join, I'll PM you. I live northwest 183, and fly out of KGTU. I'm in South America at the moment but I'll be back in Austin just in time for the summer heat :)
  3. camel

    Texas Lunchfinder app needed

    KHYI - San Marcos Texas. There's a Jason's Deli a few miles up the road that I think delivers: I ate there a lot when I was doing my IFR training at KHYI Update: I'm sorry, I just saw your map attachment, I think KHYI is a bit South of...
  4. camel

    Cessna 400 Crash- 4 Killed

    Hopefully they'll publish the ATC audio from Memphis Center in the final report.
  5. camel

    Quick learners

    To the instructors here who have had extremely fast learners: Do you ever ask the student what methods they used to prepare? Was it years of flight simulator? Was it watching youtube videos? Radio control planes? Reading Stick n' Rudder? Visualizing the flight beforehand? Sometimes maybe...
  6. camel

    Aircraft Ditching Course

    What is the actual price? I didn't find it on their web site.
  7. camel

    L39 or similar swap for an MX2 hop

    There are several L-39 pilots in Florida, I think one may even be able to do a "training" flight. I don't know any of them myself, but you may contact someone at Code 1 Aviation - Otherwise I know Larry at can do it, but he's in Santa Fe.
  8. camel

    Robinson R22 time for $120 dry

    Here's their rate sheet:
  9. camel

    Cessna 400 Crash- 4 Killed

    It's not pressured. I noticed in the flightaware link that they first climbed to 17500 (a VFR altitude) for about 15 minutes before climbing to FL250. Of course you need oxygen at 14,000, but as you go above 18000 you're supposed to wear a facemask rather than the cannula. Are there ATC...
  10. camel

    ForeFlight Question - Bearing vs. Course

    For me the best way to understand it is visually: The above image is from the following web page: Go to the section entitled Four Words The words are course, track, heading, and bearing. If there is no wind and the pilot flies his line...
  11. camel

    Thanks to Dr Chien

    Did you eat at Cyd's? That place is great. And Dr. Chien is awesome.
  12. camel

    Mexico overflights

    Harlingen (KHRL) back course 35L approach starts over Mexico (if you use the ACREW IAF). I want to fly it sometime. Here it is:
  13. camel

    Lost communication scenario and minimum altitude to fly.

    Ah ok. In that case, I think you can descend to 2000, since it is the published MEA for that segment of the approach (from ORSOF to TUNJU).
  14. camel

    Lost communication scenario and minimum altitude to fly.

    If they told you to "expect" a certain IAF before you lost comms, then I would use that IAF. If you weren't given an expected IAF, then I think ORSOF is the most logical since your route was from CRG, and ORSOF is on the way. For the 2nd question, I don't think you can descend below 2100 on...
  15. camel

    Landing on a non-runway

    This comes up more for helicopters, which can land in almost any field. I don't know the laws, but I seem to recall that they can't land in national parks without prior permission, but (I think) they can land on other BLM land? Ask on a helicopter forum, you may get some good answers.
  16. camel

    Visiting new airports: where to park, how to do day/overnight trip?

    I wish there were a "Yelp for airports" app/website. Foreflight's comments are a start, but Foreflight isn't free (limiting reviews). This app/website would have to be free.
  17. camel

    Training Budget for helicopter rating?

    I'd love to know who this instructor is (PM if you prefer). thanks
  18. camel

    Training Budget for helicopter rating?

    This place in Arkansas is advertising R44 training time (including instructor) for $380/hr, if you buy a 10 hour block. Or $400/hr for a 5 hour block. Here's the link: For comparison, at Mauna Loa Helicopters in Hawaii, R44 dual time...
  19. camel

    Help me with Instrument Written Question

    I had the Instrument written exam today (92% woo!) and I got this exact question. I did the calculations and came up with the same numbers as you - 71 minutes and 17.7 gallons. No answer matched so I chose (c) 61 minutes, 19 gallons, since it was the closest and also the most conservative for...
  20. camel

    Can I carry a "copy" of my medical cert?

    If requesting a new copy doesn't invalidate the old one, then you could request the copy and that would be a backup, both legal.