Search results

  1. camel

    Searching for Safety Pilot in Central/Southern TX (Time build to 1500hrs)

    If either you get your CFI, or you team up with another CFI, then I *think* you can both log PIC time.
  2. camel

    Does foreflight have a "planning only" mode?

    I put the departure time to 1 week or more into the future, and then it has no wind data and works as you describe.
  3. camel

    G1000 Software Updates for Columbia 400SLZ (and other orphaned G1000 aircraft)

    I have a 2008 Columbia 400 w/ G1000, with WAAS and synthetic vision. You can get WAAS upgrades, SVT upgrades. The only upgrade that I'm aware of that is still pending is the one that will allow an ADS-B upgrade solution using the internal G1000 WAAS receiver (assuming you have the WAAS)...
  4. camel

    How was the xenforo upgrade?

    I have a specific question about xenforo: On another forum I'm on (which recently converted to xenforo), their search doesn't allow searching for words 3 letters long (for example, "NXI"). I just tested it here and it works. Is POA using the standard xenforo search, and if so, how do you...
  5. camel

    Jeppesen charts now available in Foreflight

    Can someone recommend a good intro course to Jepp charts, for someone who has only used government charts so far? A video would be great, but a good book would work too (under 1000 pages hopefully!). I don't mind paying a bit for it. I've watched the King Schools Jeppesen chart course and...
  6. camel

    New Fiduciary Rule N/A

    I'd ask on - it's an excellent forum for people who are into low-cost investing, and it gets this kind of question fairly often. There may even be someone who's had the same issue lately, with the recent law change. You could also hire a fee-only advisor local to you from...
  7. camel

    IFR en route, VFR departure and landing

    I got my PPL in Argentina last year. They actually have something like this called VFR Controlado (VFR controlled). You need it to take off or land in any tower controlled airport, but you don't do instrument approaches, arrivals, or departures. You do have to learn somethings that we only...
  8. camel

    Lancair off-airport landing, Georgetown, TX (KGTU) - 6/4/2017

    I was surprised too.. the Lancair Columbia has a glide ratio of 13:1. I know they're different planes, I just didn't realize how much lower the glide ratio was for the Legacy.
  9. camel

    I got reported to the FAA three times

    But you can just pack it up (the paramotor setup) in the back of your hatchback and go wherever to fly. But yeah I can see how flying alone wouldn't be as fun. And there seems to be a rule against tandem flying, so no passengers.
  10. camel

    I got reported to the FAA three times

    Another rating added to my to-do list. Will probably be the cheapest one!
  11. camel

    Why do smaller jets always seem to utilize the T tail design?

    The Aero Vodochody L-29 Delfin has a T-tail, but the (newer) L-39 Albatros has a normal tail.
  12. camel

    If ForeFlight could display the Jepp Charts....

    This is key for me. I'm planning to fly to Argentina in the next year, and I was dreading having to gather all the charts for all the countries I plan to fly in. Now I just pay Jepp $253 and I get all of South America. I think just Argentina charges $50 for their charts (the "MAPRI" - $700...
  13. camel

    Flying to Mexico... For a girl. Is it legal to bring her back? 18 U.S. Code § 2423 - Transportation of minors (a)Transportation With Intent To Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity.— A person who knowingly transports an individual who has not attained the age of 18 years in interstate or foreign commerce, or in...
  14. camel

    Path from 0 hours to Jet?

    I've asked a similar question to more experienced folks at the Classic Jet Aircraft Association (they fly jet warbirds such as the L-39 Albatros). To get an L-39 type rating (it's technically a LOA, not a type rating), you need 1000 hours. When I had 60 hours, I asked them what experience they...
  15. camel

    any feedback on Van Bortel?

    Note: I am a usually a terrible negotiator. Whenever I get a "good deal", it's almost always by accident. When I first asked the prices for the plane I was interested in (over the phone), they gave me a price X. When I drove up there to look at the planes and showed more interest, my sales...
  16. camel

    Planning first Coast to Coast flight - Need tips (Long)

    Sounds awesome, and it sounds like you're on top of your game. I only have experience between Austin and California... my comments: > Fly over Grand Canyon > Stop in Sedona AZ (to have lunch with friends) Get the Grand Canyon SFRA chart (Foreflight has it, of course), follow it, zig zag...
  17. camel

    any feedback on Van Bortel?

    I'll share my experience. Last October I bought a 2008 Columbia 400. It's my first airplane purchase. I shopped around, learned what I could, talked to a few people selling Columbia's, etc. I'm in Austin, so I drove up to Van Bortel one day and checked out their operation. I had already...
  18. camel

    FAA ramp check... anybody ever had one?

    I haven't had the pleasure of a ramp check by the FAA yet. But I did in Argentina. I recently flew a 172, with an instructor friend, from Buenos Aires down to Patagonia. In Neuquén, we were ramp checked by the equivalent of the FAA (it's called ANAC here). First he checked our license and...
  19. camel

    How to protect your cert. CYA. Damn the Man! Some great advice here.

    For April Fool's day, Foreflight should add a one-click ASRS reporting feature.
  20. camel

    Any Recommendations for an IFR Communications Course?

    LiveATC, youtube, and if that's not enough, PilotEdge. For youtube, search for "IFR flight atc", or there are a bunch of channels with good ATC audio for IFR flights: CirrusMax - Guido Warnecke -...