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  1. mr_happyland

    Train vs plane

    It all depends on when the failure occurs. I've always thought the railroad tracks were a sketchy yet best choice option down low like this guy. You get up a little higher and you get a couple more options.
  2. mr_happyland

    Train vs plane

    This happened at my home airport. I've envisioned this scenario dozens of's actually crazy to see it play out for real. Straight out of a Jerry Bruckheimer movie! I put together a visual analysis that might help provide a little context to how it all unfolded:
  3. mr_happyland

    Whale Migration... LightHawk Helping to Reduce Entanglement

    it was actually quite interesting, both from a pilotage POV and the mission itself.
  4. mr_happyland

    NPS attempting to close airstrip at Stovepipe Wells

    I’m glad you reached out but take that response with a grain of salt. I got an email from her back in April saying the 2nd comment period was going to begin in July.
  5. mr_happyland

    Danville Ky. airport KDVK hit by tornado last night

    While I’m glad nobody at the airport was hurt…that’s awful. Can’t be good for insurance rates :(
  6. mr_happyland

    Cool Places to Fly SoCal on Thanksgiving

    Santa Ynez...walk into town/Casino San Luis at the restaurant on field/uber or crew car into town Lake Havasu...have a bite at Hangar 24 (if open) Santa Barbara...get a bike from Atlantic and head to the beach Oceano...walk to the beach
  7. mr_happyland

    What's in Albany?

    this happened about 2 weeks ago on the Kingston bridge heading eastbound. The westbound side doesn’t have a toll. Either way, I stuck 2 bucks in an envelope and sent it to them, lol. Everywhere else around there has the auto toll…that’s why I thought it was so odd the bridge only took cash/ez...
  8. mr_happyland

    Cool places to fly to within 2 hours of LAX

    I made a video last year about my top 6 airports in SoCal. It’s a good place to start. Skip to 1:15….
  9. mr_happyland

    What's in Albany?

    I was in nearby Woodstock a couple weeks ago. Sounds funny but make sure you have cash when crossing some of the bridges over the Hudson. Some of those toll bridges only take cash (a whopping 1.75 for the Kingston bridge) or EZ Pass. I didn't have cash and got a ticket. You can send in the toll...
  10. mr_happyland

    Helicopter lands in Brooklyn neighborhood

    I don’t know much about helicopter regs. Obviously this was unusual, but was it actually illegal? Supposedly he had permission from the lot owner…...
  11. mr_happyland

    tachometer issues

    I've never seen this digital tach before. Only the EI one. Interesting.
  12. mr_happyland

    tachometer issues

    Thx for all the input. Just to answer a few of the questions... The tach is new. My mechanic has spoken with someone at Mitchell and we've gone thru all the steps they've suggested. The next step would be to send it in to them. As far as the accuracy of the handheld digital tach reader, it...
  13. mr_happyland

    tachometer issues

    I've been trying to lockdown issues with my tach and curious for input. Long story short, a few months ago, the analog tach on my Grumman Tiger took a dump and I needed to replace. I didn't (and still don't) wanna go the digital tach route. After my mechanic installed a new Mitchell analog...
  14. mr_happyland

    NPS attempting to close airstrip at Stovepipe Wells

    I flew in earlier this year. It’s in fine condition. Don’t forget to sign the guest book. The more proof people are using the airstrip the better.
  15. mr_happyland

    Flying over the Huntington Beach oil spill: VIDEO

    its important to remember that this “designated anchorage” isn’t normally a place where ships have anchored in the past. Up until the global supply chain crisis, there was typically no more than one or two ships waiting for a spot to open up at the port. These days there are about 70. It’s...
  16. mr_happyland

    Flying over the Huntington Beach oil spill: VIDEO

    Interesting observation from your brother regarding the dirt/silt. I sincerely hope he's right about that. For what it's worth, I have read that oil deposits don't always float and can indeed collect to sediment near shorelines. The section I flew over was the area being reported as having been...
  17. mr_happyland

    Flying over the Huntington Beach oil spill: VIDEO

    I haven't been posting many videos here lately but I thought this might be one that may interest some of you. As you probably know, there was an oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach on Saturday. Last reported at around 3,000 barrels. They ended up cancelling the last day of the Pacific...
  18. mr_happyland

    177RG Lake Havasu

    I think that was his previous flight. The crash occurred just south of the runway.
  19. mr_happyland

    Name Change Olympics

    It suspiciously sounds like somebody at the Fresno FSDO wants to make this difficult for you personally. Maybe I'm wrong but it's not a far-fetched thought. Perhaps try another FSDO? Best of luck.
  20. mr_happyland

    Grumman Tiger, good bad and ugly

    An AD seems to be coming for that incident, but it should only apply to AA5’s…not Tigers.