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  1. Luis Escobar

    Did I bust this Bravo Airspace? Help here

    No, the 3100 in my altimeter was around 20 - 30 seconds after you see the airplane icon, its hard to say, again that's when I realized what just happened. Thank you
  2. Luis Escobar

    Did I bust this Bravo Airspace? Help here

    I was coming from north with a south heading, I was under 3K AT ALL TIME, at the time of the screen capture is the second I got into 3k feet, during my flight it looked like I was already clear of Bravo but I was just right there ( in the outer part of the blue line).
  3. Luis Escobar

    Did I bust this Bravo Airspace? Help here

    Should I report a NASA form? What should I do?, It was so close, I do not even know if they noticed it.
  4. Luis Escobar

    Did I bust this Bravo Airspace? Help here

    So, when I realized what happened, I was maybe 30 seconds outside the airspace and my altimeter was showing around 3100 climbing around 550 fpm... Yes my altimeter was set to the current local settings.
  5. Luis Escobar

    Did I bust this Bravo Airspace? Help here

    Hey Guys, It sounds simple, but I do not even know if I busted this Bravo airspace during my flight yesterday, I will attach a picture with my GPS position and altitude and you guys can tell me what you think. Right after this happened I scanned several frequencies but nobody was trying to...
  6. Luis Escobar

    I think that I busted Bravo today

    He guys I need your help, this pic is from my flight log from yesterday, the quick question is: DID I BUST THIS AIRSPACE??? You can see my GPS location with the altitude. Please help! Thank you.
  7. Luis Escobar

    Bose A20 or Lighspeed Tango

    Go for the Tangos
  8. Luis Escobar

    Proper response to "Altitude Indicates 3000 feet"

    You do not need to reply with your altitude.
  9. Luis Escobar

    For Sale: Aircraft Looking for a flying club near Miami

    Hey Guys, I’m recent private pilot looking for a flying club in South Florida preferably near Miami. If you have any suggestions please let me know, I’m just done with my license and finding very difficult to fly. Thank you
  10. Luis Escobar

    Five months waiting for a checkride

    Hey Mark, Luis here, I am from Miami, FL. So, I found your post googling "waiting months for my check ride", to see If I could find someone in the same situation as me or someone who had the same issue and found a great and easy solution... long story short, I am in the exact same position as...