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  1. MulePilot

    Thoughts on the Beech Sierra?

    This is a great video! I liked having the audio and different camera angles. Thank you very much!
  2. MulePilot

    Thoughts on the Beech Sierra?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't johnson bars like the flap bar in the PA28-140?
  3. MulePilot

    Thoughts on the Beech Sierra?

    Is there any height adjustment for the front seats? Any need for it? I’m 5’8” for reference.
  4. MulePilot

    Thoughts on the Beech Sierra?

    Any opportunity for an engine swap?
  5. MulePilot

    The bird did not survive.

    His tail feathers. :D
  6. MulePilot

    Thoughts on the Beech Sierra?

    I'm curious what everyone's opinions on this aircraft are. I wanted to check here in the general populace before going over to the Beech forums. How're MX costs? Parts availability? Resale value? Would this be a decent buy or more of a headache? Opinions between the A, B, and C models? The poor...
  7. MulePilot

    Multi Time vs Glass Time

    If you don’t mind my asking, what was your chosen career path?
  8. MulePilot

    Multi Time vs Glass Time

    Thank you to everyone for your responses, they are greatly appreciated. It’s nice to have answers from pilots across the field.
  9. MulePilot

    Multi Time vs Glass Time

    Hi there, I'm currently an instrument-rated private pilot with about 200hrs and enrolled in a flight program at a college. My next course of action will be the commercial certificate but I'm in a bit of a dilemma. My options are either to stay ASEL in a G1000 equipped C172 or to transition to a...